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New Wiki SOP #302

Open davidcit646 opened 4 years ago

davidcit646 commented 4 years ago

Description This is an all encompassing Issue that is intended to act as a tracker for all things wiki. All of our SOP needs to be on the Wiki, including admin access guidelines, zeus guidelines, and testing guidelines.


Main Contributors: @davidcit646

davidcit646 commented 4 years ago

Generalized Testing

As a member of the S3 Mission Development Team, you have the ability to declare a gaming session as a testing session. What this means is that, when you log onto the server, you are not logging on to play, you are logging on to induce a bug, invoke a crash, or stress test something. You are not logging on to play or to create an MCC.

Basically, if the process you're conducting looks like the one listed below, then it's considered testing.

1. Log in
2. Enter zeus/admin
3. Test
4. Log out. 

Micro Testing...

... is when a member of the development staff log onto any public server to conduct testing of a small or an otherwise minor issue. These types of issues can range from CSAT spawning on map, a mod not loading properly. For these types of testing sessions, we can self approve, which means that we can approve testing on the fly, usually within an hour. Below you will find a fictitious scenario, in which a member of the Development Team wishes to test on Tac2. This is the proper way to test minor issues on Tac2.

1. Say to yourself, "Gee, I really wanna see if ALiVE works correctly on Lingor today."
2. Tell Citarelli or Collins about it.
3. Get some coffee while we read your PM.
4. Get approval for your small testing.
5. Log onto Tac2.
6. Conduct your testing.
7. Log off.
8. Tell Citarelli or Collins what happened.

Macro Testing...

... is when a 7th Cavalry Gaming Regimental ROE, COC, or GO (any rule what so ever) must be broken in order to conduct testing. For this type of testing, you must notify your COC at least a day before. The types of things that fall under this category may be testing vehicle permissions, firing on base permissions, strongpoint box activation, and otherwise, other various permissions or rule-preventative systems. Below you will find a series of events, to which an S3 Mission Development Team Member should opt to follow when telling his COC he will be conducting macro testing.

1. Say to yourself, "Gee, I really wanna see if our Anti-Cheat system works correctly on Lingor tomorrow."
2. Tell Citarelli or Collins about it.
3. Get married, have kids, and retire.
4. Get approval for your ENORMOUS testing.
5. Log onto Tac2.
6. Conduct your testing.
7. Log off.
8. Tell Citarelli or Collins what happened.

By following this SOP you are demonstrating responsibility, good character, and a willingness to do what is right. These SOP are created for a reason; not following them can lead to an irreversible shit storm, the likes of which I nor god can stop.

davidcit646 commented 4 years ago

Initial Counseling Statement

Warning: Before the verbal ICS is to begin, instruct the newcomer to bring a notepad and pencil. There is a lot of information and if you do not instruct them to write things down, you will be the one to walk them through again later.

Most organizations in the world have some kind of ICS, to which they introduce you to your work place, what's expected of you, and so on. The ICS for the Development Team is quite long and incredibly informative.

The average ICS can run anywhere from an 1 to 3 hours long, depending on the applicant. Thus, the ICS is split into 3 steps or phases, which can be run at different points in the same day or at different points in the week or in the month.

Step 1 | The ICS Document

The ICS document is shared and the document is reviewed by both the NCOIC/OIC and the applicant. Any questions, comments, or concerns regarding procedure, requirements, or expectations will be handled here.

Useful Links Discord ICS Document SOP Page Github Wiki

Things to mention

Step 2 | Github & GitKraken

Github and GitKraken is gone over in this step, and may take up to an hour. We will go over everything in the GitKraken interface and the GitHub webui. Any questions, comments, or concerns regarding anything Git* will be handled in this step.

Useful Links Our Github Page GitKraken

Things to mention

Step 3 | Baby's First Mission File

Step 3 is where the magic happens; we make our very first mission on Malden, Altis, Tanoa, or any other currently supported map. In this phase, we also need to reinforce the use of the github and a personal notepad document which will have a ton of Misc. information in it.

Useful Links ALiVE Wiki Scripting How-To's

Things to mention

davidcit646 commented 4 years ago

ALiVE Setup | Procedures and How-To

Warning: This is not a complete guide to setup a map. Rather, this document is to serve only as a reference guide for newcomers.This guide is supplemental information intended for use when conducting the mission-setup portion of the ICS.

One of the more important aspects of being a mission developer is learning how to actually create a mission file from scratch. The best part of our job is being able to flex our creativity muscle, and make new FOBs, Bases, and game-styles when we want. We can curtail a certain mission to play out in a certain way, depending on the original author's intent; the author, being you!

Yes, you can dictate how a map will play out. After all, you are the author, you can dictate how many infantry spawn, how many tanks spawn, et cetera. You have that power now. It's time to learn how to use it.

Below you will find various links to the ALiVE wiki (use it like a manual) and some misc information. Open a notepad and copy the Misc Information over to it. Then save it. Do this now to save yourself a headache later.

Useful Links https://alivemod.com/wiki/

MIsc Information

rhs_faction_usarmy_d , rhs_faction_vdv , rhs_faction_tv, rhs_faction_vvs
Static Emplacement Names
opfor_central , opfor_south, opfor_north, opfor_east, opfor_west, opfor_airspace

Step 1 | Blacklists

In the eden editor, go to Markers (F6 on your keyboard). Go to areas (the square and circle on the top right) and, along the edges of the map, click and drag the areas to outline the edges of the map. You want at least 100 meters inside the map, and 100 meters outside the map.

Do this for each edge. Then, do this for where you want the Blufor base to be.

Once you have all of your markers down, go through and name each one respectively, like this:

edge_north, edge_east, edge_south, edge_west, blufor_home

Once finished, you should have five markers, one for each edge of the map, and one for the BLUFOR starting base.

Step 2 | ALiVE System Setup

There's too much information to include each module's individual configurations. Instead, here are the base modules. If you want the exact configuration, I urge you to download a map from our Github and use that for reference (these six modules should all be the same regardless of the map).

Required Modules

1. ALiVE
4. Player Options
5. Player C2ISTAR
6. Player Logistics (Disable)
7. Military Close Quarters Battle

Step 3 | ALiVE AI Commander(s)

When you place these modules down, you'll want to R.Click -> Connect To -> Military AI Commander. Sync all of these modules together in order for it to function properly. Modules

Military AI Commander
Military Logistics
Military Placement (CIV)
Military Placement (MIL)

Step 4 | Double Check Your Work!

Before you test, go through every module and double check it. Cross reference it with the MISC information from earlier, to make sure everything is correct. Double check Variable Names and faction names before testing it.

Step 5 | Local / First Iteration Testing

On the top bar, Play -> Play In Multiplayer -> LAN -> Okay. Go into zeus to make sure stuff is spawning. Do this by flying around the map. If you have a slower machine, you'll want to find a nice town and then wait there for about 30 minutes or so. Go get a cup of coffee or tea and come back. By the time you've done that, you should see the factions you want as well as the compositions you want (tanks or infantry or both) spawning. If not, it's back to the drawing board to see what's wrong.

If something doesn't spawn right, send it to Zlobin and ask him what's wrong with it. He'll get back to you when he can and he'll tell you all you need to know.

davidcit646 commented 4 years ago

I'm tired and hungry send help

davidcit646 commented 4 years ago

Mission Developer Admin Access

Admin access on Tac2 is hereby granted to all developers with the tags “Public Maintainer” and “Public Admin” on Discord. Admin access is granted to each developer for the sole reason of testing and debugging.

Mission Developer Zeus Access

There are two types of Zeus access for Tac2 and Tac1. There is the admin-created Zeus and the server-created Zeus.

Admin Created Zeus

self interact > create Zeus This method of creating Zeus is non-ideal and should only be done to perform administrative actions on the server (un-flipping vehicles, fixing non-respawning vehicles, fixing ALiVE, etc). This type of Zeus is non-dynamic, meaning that you won’t have access to objects around base or players. You’ll need Achilles to add those objects to Zeus.

When you are finished with Zeus you need to delete the Zeus self interact > delete Zeus. Once this is done, you can freely log off. If you forget to do this, then you need to relog and do this, otherwise, there will be an over-abundance of Zeus modules on the map which can cause lag or even crash the server.

Server Created Zeus

This is the preferred method of accessing Zeus on Tac2. In order to access this type of Zeus your name needs to be added to a list of names on the server itself. We cannot control that list of names.

In order to get your name on that list of names, you need to apply for S3 Public Operations, which will grant you unfettered access to Zeus while in a mission controller slot.

Mission Developer Zeus SOP

There are two different SOP for the two different types of Zeus. Each type will simply have a list of Dos and Don’ts.

Warning: It goes without saying that you should never use Zeus to admin / punish players, or to give yourself an unfair advantage over players. Zeus abuse essentially means that you cannot give yourself an advantage that any average player on the server wouldn’t normally have. Invincibility and infinite ammo are just some examples of the types of things covered under this general rule of thumb.

Abuse your privileges and not I nor Christ himself will be able to help you.

Admin Created Zeus


1. Find/Fix bugs.
2. Help players when Arma acts up (un-flip vehicles, respawn broken vehicles, heal players when physics acts up, etc).
3. Test the mission file (refer to macro/micro testing).
4. Enhance certain areas with the intention of leading players around the map.


1. Create MCCs.
2. Distribute cav-bucks.
3. Spawn vehicles for players (subverting the loyalty points system).

Server Created Zeus


1. Create MCCs
2. Spawn vehicles.
3. Distribute cav-bucks.
4. Lead.


1. Make yourself invincible / give yourself infinite ammo.
2. Outright kill players.
3. Not lead.
davidcit646 commented 4 years ago

Admin Access

Everyone in the S3 Mission Development Team has access to admin on Tac2. The reason for this is so that, if necessary, any member of the Mission Development Team can log into admin and change maps, access Zeus for testing or debugging purposes, and to monitor the server.

Note: When you run each command, press the < key on your keyboard until you see Vehicle Channel. You may begin typing in commands. Every command that’s run needs to be pre-faced with a #. For example #login or #monitor.


1. #login password
2. #monitor interval
3. #logout

Mission Developer Admin SOP

Below is a set of standard procedures that should be followed when using admin. Be careful, and make sure you’re typing in Vehicle chat.

When Attempting To Login To Admin If anyone is in the Mission Controller slot, kindly ask if they are logged into admin currently. If they are not logged into admin, then you are free to login to admin. If they are logged into admin, kindly ask them to #logout. Respectfully allow them to logout, this could take a minute or two, be patient. After they’ve logged out, you may login to admin and conduct any sort of testing or debugging you may need to do. Do not abuse this privilege.

1. Switch to Vehicle Channel.
2. #login password.
3. Do admin stuff.
4. #logout

Server Monitor This can remain up as long as you’d like. If it stops responding at any point, that means that the process for the server has stopped responding. Basically, the process needs to restarted.

Frame rates between 20 – 35 are low, and rates between 35 - 45 are high. Higher than 45 is excellent, and lower than 20 is extremely poor. The highest frame-rate you’ll ever observe with a mission loaded is 49, and 50 without a mission loaded.

1. Login to admin
2. #monitor 3 //the server will output info every 3 seconds
3. Logout when you’re done