SDX 0.7.x
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When using a * in place of an actual ID value, SDX is looking for next highest number #3

Closed SphereII closed 7 years ago

SphereII commented 7 years ago

SDX is looking for the highest free block id. Since the blocks file has a lot of holes in their ID, it'd be expected that SDX can fill in the missing IDs, rather than going to next highest.

SphereII commented 7 years ago

In PostProcessConfigs(XmlDataProvider gameDataProvider) Method:

XmlNodeList xmlNodeList2 = gameDataProvider.GetData("blocks").QueryNodes("/blocks/block/@id");
Logging.LogInfo("Blocks to process: " + xmlNodeList2.Count);
for (int j = 0; j < xmlNodeList2.Count; j++)
    XmlAttribute xmlAttribute2 = xmlNodeList2[j] as XmlAttribute;
    if (xmlAttribute2 != null)
        string innerText2 = xmlAttribute2.InnerText;
        bool flag3 = false;
        int num4 = 0;
        if (!int.TryParse(innerText2, out num4))
            flag3 = true;
        if (flag3)
            Logging.LogInfo("Assign id: " + num2);
            **num2 = this.GetNextHighestID(gameDataProvider, num2);**
            xmlAttribute2.InnerText = num2.ToString();
Logging.LogInfo("PostProcess highest BlockID: " + num2);

With node method:

public int GetNextHighestID(XmlDataProvider gameDataProvider, int intLastHighest)
    for (int x = intLastHighest; x < 2049; x++)
        if (gameDataProvider.GetData("blocks").QueryNode("blocks/block[@id='" + x.ToString() + "']") == null)
            Logging.Log("Found free block: " + x.ToString());
            return x;
    Logging.LogError("Exceeded Block Limit for available numbers");
    return -1;
HAL-NINE-THOUSAND commented 7 years ago

Should be sorted in 0.7.2

SphereII commented 7 years ago

Not sure if it's related to this, but in a new Config, I'm getting a crash:

FoundConfig: traders
 FoundConfig: utilityai
 FoundConfig: vehicles
 FoundConfig: weathersurvival
 FoundConfig: xui
 Found sub dir: C:\SDXModding\SDX0.7.2c\Backups\7 Days To Die\Data/Config\XUi
 Found sub dir: C:\SDXModding\SDX0.7.2c\Backups\7 Days To Die\Data/Config\XUi_Menu
 Searching files in: C:\SDXModding\SDX0.7.2c\Backups\7 Days To Die\Data/Config\XUi_Menu
 FoundConfig: XUi_Menu/controls
 FoundConfig: XUi_Menu/styles
 FoundConfig: XUi_Menu/windows
 FoundConfig: XUi_Menu/xui
 Searching files in: C:\SDXModding\SDX0.7.2c\Backups\7 Days To Die\Data/Config\XUi
 FoundConfig: XUi/controls
 FoundConfig: XUi/styles
 FoundConfig: XUi/windows
 Apply mod config patch: Winter Wonderland
 Applying patch: C:\SDXModding\SDX0.7.2c/Targets\7DaysToDie\Mods\WinterWonderLand\Config\WinterWonderland.xml...
 AddXmlByXPath: /blocks
 Found 3
EVENT: Run sub task: Run Xml Patcher mod scripts
WARN: No assembly from BuildAndRunPatchModsTask

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)
   at SDX7DTD.frmMain.<frmMain_Load>b__9_0()
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

It works in previous versions. WinterWonderland.txt

SphereII commented 7 years ago

Tested and worked as intended.