7GrandDadPGN / VapeV4ForRoblox

Vape V4 for Roblox, A project that has been in development for 4+ years.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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Vape TargetHUD #198

Closed ghost closed 12 months ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

The gaps between the handsquares aren't equal (6872274481.lua line ~2250), should be:

handsquare.Position = UDim2.new(0, 72, 0, 44) --as it should be

helmetsquare.Position = UDim2.new(0, 100, 0, 44) --also as it should be

chestplatesquare.Position = UDim2.new(0, 128, 0, 44) --changed from 0,127,0,44 to 0,128,0,44

bootssquare.Position = UDim2.new(0, 156, 0, 44) --changed from 0,155,0,44, to 0,156,0,44

uselesssquare.Position = UDim2.new(0, 184, 0, 44) --changed from 0,182,0,44 to 0,184,0,44

the entire file (originally from commit 7341d9c6a908e84261f4f23c0f3f2e1046ad2a7c, 5am GMT +00:00 7/4/2023) is here (if you're just gonna drag and drop it): [6872274481.lua.md] (https://github.com/7GrandDadPGN/VapeV4ForRoblox/files/11945706/6872274481.lua.md)

from this: [image] (https://github.com/7GrandDadPGN/VapeV4ForRoblox/assets/135523806/2268cc56-b2c0-4aa1-89da-6f82c1e94e90) to this: [image] (https://github.com/7GrandDadPGN/VapeV4ForRoblox/assets/135523806/78c714b4-848b-4e39-b918-1118de6569f2) (perfectionist moment)

if you intended this please let me know

NTDCore commented 1 year ago

it look same

ghost commented 1 year ago

@NTDCore > it look same

put the images side by side, look at the item(sword,bow,armor) frames, first one has uneven gaps, second one does.

7GrandDadPGN commented 12 months ago

vape design tm, this isn't a bug.