Closed planktonzp closed 7 months ago
我可以用u盘正常进入archlinuxarm 也可以安装armbian到emmc 这个是uboot的问题吗 还没用串口方式查看过.... 是否有相关的资料我先学一下
重装armbian到emmc可以正常启动 从u盘启动archlinuxarm也是正常的 仍然不能确认是哪一步骤的问题 armbian更新时选择了使用主线uboot armbian-install -m yes 从启动流程文章里看n1的引导应该是没有被破坏的 我是否需要提供其他内容来方便你确认问题?
希望得到回应 感谢
No log, no problem
我手边并没有焊接工具 因此无法进行拆机并焊接串口查看日志 但是我重装我的系统到armbian 并且使用ampart查看了我的emmc分区内容如下
CLI interface: Mode is set to webreport
CLI interface: Operating on target file/block device '/dev/mmcblk2'
IO identify target type: '/dev/mmcblk2' is a block device, getting its size via ioctl
IO identify target type: size of '/dev/mmcblk2' is 7818182656
IO identify target type: Guessing content type by size
IO identify target type: Size larger than reserved partition, considering content full disk
IO identify target type: Getting content type via reading
IO identify target type: Content type full disk, as pure 0 in the header was found
IO identify target type: Read and Size results are the same, using any
IO identify target type: target is a block device with a size of 7818182656 bytes, and contains the content of full disk
CLI interface: Content type set as auto, will use the type identified earlier as type
CLI interface: Content auto identified as whole disk
CLI interface: Target is block device for a whole drive and we will try to re-read partitions after adjusting EPT
CLI describe options: mode webreport, operating on /dev/mmcblk2, content type disk, migration strategy: essential, dry run: no, reserved gap: 33554432 (32.000000M), generic gap: 8388608 (8.000000M), reserved offset: 37748736 (36.000000M), dtb offset: 4194304 (4.000000M)
IO seek DTB: Seeking to 41943040
DTB checksum: Calculated 2a32f989, Recorded 2a32f989
DTB read: Using first 256K in DTB partition
DTB identify type: DTB type invalid
DTB read partitions and report: Unrecognizable DTB, magic 71b104da. Maybe your DTB is encrypted? You can follow the method documented on my blog to try to decrypt it before using ampart:
DTB read into buffer helper: Failed to identify DTB type
IO seek EPT: Seeking to 37748736
EPT report: 13 partitions in the table:
ID| name | offset|( human)| size|( human)| masks
0: bootloader 0 ( 0.00B) 400000 ( 4.00M) 0
(GAP) 2000000 ( 32.00M)
1: reserved 2400000 ( 36.00M) 4000000 ( 64.00M) 0
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
2: cache 6c00000 ( 108.00M) 20000000 ( 512.00M) 2
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
3: env 27400000 ( 628.00M) 800000 ( 8.00M) 0
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
4: logo 28400000 ( 644.00M) 2000000 ( 32.00M) 1
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
5: recovery 2ac00000 ( 684.00M) 2000000 ( 32.00M) 1
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
6: rsv 2d400000 ( 724.00M) 800000 ( 8.00M) 1
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
7: tee 2e400000 ( 740.00M) 800000 ( 8.00M) 1
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
8: crypt 2f400000 ( 756.00M) 2000000 ( 32.00M) 1
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
9: misc 31c00000 ( 796.00M) 2000000 ( 32.00M) 1
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
10: boot 34400000 ( 836.00M) 2000000 ( 32.00M) 1
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
11: system 36c00000 ( 876.00M) 50000000 ( 1.25G) 1
(GAP) 800000 ( 8.00M)
12: data 87400000 ( 2.11G) 14ac00000 ( 5.17G) 4
EPT report: Minumum block in table: 0x400000, 4194304, 4.000000M
CLI dispatcher: Dispatch to mode webreport
CLI mode webreport: Print a URL that can be opened in browser to get well-formatted partitio info
CLI mode webreport: DTB not correct or invalid
这些信息是否能够作为参考 我在另一个问题中看到类似的内容#6
armbian在n1的emmc中运行正常 看起来是整个引导的流程存在问题 是否是某个autoscript脚本的偏移位需要调整或者确认 我看到了你的文章 但是其中只有一个我看不太懂的Bootloader引导顺序 我无法和我本地的n1进行比对 如何确认我的n1是原厂u-boot还是主线u-boot?
DTB identify type: DTB type invalid DTB read partitions and report: Unrecognizable DTB, magic 71b104da. Maybe your DTB is encrypted? You can follow the > method documented on my blog to try to decrypt it before using ampart: DTB read into buffer helper: Failed to identify DTB type
感谢 我去试试
设备: 斐讯n1 原系统: ophub发布的Armbian_24.5.0_amlogic_s905d_noble_6.1.87_server_2024.04.20