7MinSec / LPLITE

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Dumping and cracking Active Directory hashes (hashes.csv format) #61

Open jaustin1 opened 1 year ago

jaustin1 commented 1 year ago

I typed powershell in CMD.exe and executed formatting command: Import-CSV -Delimiter "`t" -Header @("id","user","hash") -path .\hashes.csv | select user,hash | convertto-csv -Delimiter ':' -NoTypeInformation | % { $_ -replace '"', ""} | select-string -pattern "\$" -notmatch | out-file crackme.csv -Encoding ascii

I had to copy and paste into notepad to to clarify similar symbols:


Formatting did not look like your screenshots until I cleaned up the file when moving it to hashcat file.




7MinSec commented 1 year ago

Are you saying you typed this in by hand, and it was confusing which symbols were supposed to be typed at certain points? If so, I definitely recommend in the live class that students copy/paste to make their lives a lot easier :)

jaustin1 commented 1 year ago

I'm referencing the single quotes vs double quotes area in red. In the directions, they look like two double quotes. I didn't notice they were different until I pasted it into notepad.

7MinSec commented 1 year ago

Ok I'm going to, as part of this repo, create "raw" snippets of code that folks can copy/paste from (if they wish) to make the curriculum easier to work with. Will fix this up in v3 of curriculum.