7c / fakefilter

reliable fake and temp email filter solution for site operators
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
181 stars 14 forks source link

Please add simplelogin.io, rambler.ru, emailnator.com, noip.com, seznam.cz, wp.pl, skiff.com, tempmaili.com, proton.me, courvix.com, 5ymails.com, internxt.com, tempmail.email, emailondeck.com, tempor.email, fakesmail.com, tempimail.org, temp-mailbox.com, temp-mail.us, 10minemail.com, hour.email, cloudtempmail.com, tmail.ai, zemail.me, tempumail.com, emailfake.com, o2.pl, and addy.io #73

Closed GalacticHypernova closed 9 months ago

GalacticHypernova commented 11 months ago


The current domains according to what I can see are: slmails.com simplelogin.com aleeas.com slmail.me silomails.com 8shield.net 8alias.com dralias.com simplelogin.fr

Their entire project is also open source so there may be more domains hidden within the source (maybe even the domain generation process) https://github.com/simple-login/ EDIT: I dug around their API, and here's a resource to obtain all possible domain (without custom domains that require valid MX records) (you must be logged in to the app or else it says wrong api key): https://app.simplelogin.io/api/v2/setting/domains image


[possible subdomain].anonaddy.me [possible subdomain].anonaddy.com Also open source: https://github.com/anonaddy/anonaddy EDIT: Dug around their API as well, it seems as though they need a user to be logged in: https://app.addy.io/api/v1/domains but would require a bit of digging becausse they need authentication which I don't really know how to integrate with fakefilter considering I don't know what technology you use, so I'll leave that to you.

There is however another endpoint that displays the domain options, which is as follows: https://app.addy.io/api/v1/domain-options Returns: image

The data is the array of the possible domains a logged in user can use. The domains is used for custom, additional domains that like simplelogin require valid records.


noip.com ddns.net ddnsking.com 3utilities.com bounceme.net freedynamicdns.net freedynamicdns.org gotdns.ch hopto.org myddns.me myftp.biz myftp.org myvnc.com onthewifi.com redirectme.net servebeer.com serveblog.net servecounterstrike.com serveftp.com servegame.com servehalflife.com servehttp.com serveirc.com serveminecraft.net servemp3.com servepics.com servequake.com sytes.net viewdns.net webhop.me zapto.org access.ly blogsyte.com brasilia.me cable-modem.org ciscofreak.com collegefan.org couchpotatofries.org damnserver.com ddns.me ditchyourip.com dnsfor.me dnsiskinky.com dvrcam.info dynns.com eating-organic.net fantasyleague.cc geekgalaxy.com golffan.us health-carereform.com homesecuritymac.com homesecuritypc.com hosthampster.com hopto.me ilovecollege.info loginto.me mlbfan.org mmafan.biz myactivedirectory.com mydissent.net myeffect.net mymediapc.net mypsx.net mysecuritycamera.com mysecuritycamera.net mysecuritycamera.org net-freaks.com nflfan.org nhlfan.net pgafan.net point2this.com pointto.us privatizehealthinsurance.net quicksytes.com read-books.org securitytactics.com serveexchange.com servehumour.com servep2p.com servesarcasm.com stufftoread.com ufcfan.org unusualperson.com workisboring.com Appears to have a paid API access, will try to dig deeper to find the endpoint. EDIT: Dug around their API, the domain list is retrievable through the following code (it's an inline script that exists at https://my.noip.com only, from my research):

const element=document.getElementById("app_config")
const json=JSON.parse(element.textContent)
const domains=json.domains


Or in text form:

    "free": [
    "enhanced": [
    "affiliate": []


smartnator.com femailtor.com Randomly generated Gmail accounts googlemail.com mydefipet.live tmpmailtor.com psnator.com Has a freemium API for bulk domains:

const axios = require('axios');

const options = {
  method: 'POST',
  url: 'https://gmailnator.p.rapidapi.com/bulk-emails',
  headers: {
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'b0d5becc39msh5d66ccd02a4f40dp16f7a9jsn4315d6fbc1dc',
    'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'gmailnator.p.rapidapi.com'
  data: {
    limit: 20,
    options: [1, 2, 3]

try {
    const response = await axios.request(options);
} catch (error) {

Something interesting I learnt about the generated gmail accounts is that they either contain + or an excessive amount of dots, 2 very odd patterns in real, legitimate email accounts. I was able to reliably detect at least 3 or 4 dots in the email itself when it's using the dotted variation.


rambler.ru myrambler.ru autorambler.ru rambler.ua ro.ru

This site is a semi legit news site, but the mail service is used for temp emails.

Their API endpoint: https://id.rambler.ru/api/v3/legacy/Rambler::Id::get_available_domains

It appears to have very odd authentication type middleware, it can only be used from a certain part of their website with the following fetch:

await fetch("https://id.rambler.ru/api/v3/legacy/Rambler::Id::get_available_domains", {
  "headers": {
    "accept": "*/*",
    "accept-language": "he,en;q=0.9,en-GB;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.7",
    "cache-control": "no-cache",
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "pragma": "no-cache",
    "sec-ch-ua": "\"Microsoft Edge\";v=\"117\", \"Not;A=Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"117\"",
    "sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0",
    "sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"",
    "sec-fetch-dest": "empty",
    "sec-fetch-mode": "cors",
    "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin",
    "x-client-request-id": "ridduMw2OekRXLeVWwTD"
  "referrer": "https://id.rambler.ru/login-20/mail-registration?rname=mail&theme=&session=false&back=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.rambler.ru%2F&param=embed&iframeOrigin=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.rambler.ru",
  "referrerPolicy": "strict-origin-when-cross-origin",
  "body": "{\"id\":\"ridduMw2OekRXLeVWwTD\",\"params\":{}}",
  "method": "POST",
  "mode": "cors",
  "credentials": "include"

And returns the following: image






hopeon.xyz munik.edu.pl (Looking for the API for that)


skiff.com [possible subdomain].maskmy.id This should be a wildcard as there are infinite amount of subdomains all under maskmy.id


proton.me protonmail.com


API endpoint: https://courvix.com/api/emails Returns all of the possible domains (below is a screenshot of the partial response): image


5ymails.com 5ymail.com 5ymail.net 5ymail.de e9mail.com e9hosting.com 5ymail.me


theeyeoftruth.com beaconmessenger.com lamasticots.com

They are open source so I'm still looking into where their API is


The endpoint: https://tempmail.email/api/domains.alternative.config.json Returns all available domains: image They have another endpoints: https://tempmail.email/api/domains.config.json Which returns more domains: image


sloveniakm.com appears to be the only domain, has a PRO api endpoint to list all available domains that requires a token: https://api.emailondeck.com/api.php?token=[TOKEN_HERE]&act=list_email_domains&order=date_desc


scandicdeals25.com nurumassager.com varaunited.in whitworthknifecompany.com hatberkshire.com moreview.xyz nmemail.xyz aconnectioninc.com bendnsend.com waleskfb.com lamedicalbilling.com fabtours.live klearlogistics.com stragedycd.com igeekmagz.pw 91sedh.xyz besttimenews.xyz secure-mail.cc dromancehu.com wremail.xyz ohioflyfishinguides.com affordableroofcare.com redfaunstudio.com aeshopshop.xyz uqkemail.xyz elmcreekcoop.com linseyalexander.com otratransportation.com z1p.biz wremail.top stivendigital.club gssfire.com asifboot.com pliqya.xyz tmailcloud.net andersonelectricnw.com 3mail.rocks pwruttz.com customequipmentstore.com partmed.net csderf.xyz mylandjet.com wuupr.com ivyplayers.com bacinj.com volunteerindustries.com liquidlogisticsmanagement.com tlcemail.xyz colourmedigital.com childrenofthesyrianwar.com jgwinindia.com mailrock.biz unicomti.com buzztrucking.com wellnessconnecthc.com amazinggift.life meibokele.com mailpoly.xyz bukutututul.xyz syonacosmetics.com abunasser.site efundpro.com 360wellnessuk.com ambientiusa.com btcmod.com twichzhuce.com straightflightgolf.com strategysuperb.com leafrelief.org uniaotrafego.com garoofinginc.com nmemail.top acampadaparis.com gofsrhr.com skxemail.com pekanrabu.biz thelubot.site tesqwiklabsss.shop eellee.org jwpemail.eu apexhearthealth.com yandexmailserv.com They have an API which I'm trying to explore right now, but for the time being I had to write this all down


stacktix.one votexrise.com otelekom.live xtoox.com profunivers.site enoiv.pro fugmi.xyz


iemail.fun wemail.pics loveblog.help


codjobs.com jocdk.com mvpve.com page.edu.pl sdkjob.com codvip.net


fosil.pro rootfest.net polyfaust.com cartelera.org hostcalls.com


jucatyo.com eazenity.com mkurg.com othao.com newnime.com mainmile.com I know this website is already monitored, however I couldn't find these specific domains in the list It has a freemium API just like emailnator:

const axios = require('axios');

const options = {
  method: 'GET',
  url: 'https://privatix-temp-mail-v1.p.rapidapi.com/request/domains/',
  headers: {
    'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'b0d5becc39msh5d66ccd02a4f40dp16f7a9jsn4315d6fbc1dc',
    'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'privatix-temp-mail-v1.p.rapidapi.com'
try {
    const response = await axios.request(options);
} catch (error) {




bigddns.net 4save.net taxibmt.com videotoptop.com ipxwan.com email84.com soc123.net nhmvn.com nickmxh.com cloudtempmail.net choigi.com coffeejadore.com bigddns.org acc1s.com dulich84.com pingddns.org emailtik.com huongdanfb.com tatadidi.com tubeemail.com 5semail.com nextsuns.com tinpho.com embekhoe.com mp3oxi.com n-h-m.com mikfarm.com nuoifb.com voxinh.net vinakop.com storebanme.com email-68.com emailcoffeehouse.com camera47.net mikrotikvn.com kenhbanme.com muadaingan.com pingddns.com xehop.org connho.net vinaemail.com fastddns.net vncctv.net nick-ao.com bigddns.com emailracc.com chamconnho.com coffeeazzan.com datadudi.com mikrotikvietnam.com libinit.com taxibmt.net cloneemail.com giodaingan.com vobau.net diemhenvn.com mikrotikx.com vinakoop.com 123clone.com


happy9toy.com leechchannel.com likemovie.net pertera.com Couldn't get more because their firewall is broken but I would assume some shared domains would be in cloudtempmail.com


solariss.me blocki.tech thimble.email codda.me astern.live (this one will be hard to distinguish) gmail.com


umail.edu.pl tempumail.online ezblog.co


proceedwky.com jdefiningqt.com legal-research-investigation.com kocheme.com varaunited.in avobitekc.com epppl.com jnckteam.eu wantwp.com guesthousenation.com cabovertrans.com nyfinestbarbershop.com bromeil.com strategysuperb.com sikatan.co 7814445.com eligibilitysolutions.com discardmail.ninja haqoci.com shiningblogpro.com easy-mail.top rumahcloudindonesia.online salonkarma.club mentornkc.com gspousea.com uenglandrn.com senduvu.com affliatemagz.com mywayzs.com And any other domain with valid records This one is a bit harder to collect all domains from, I have noticed their script however I am still trying to figure out a way to use it to obtain all possible domains. They're using jQuery and typeahead so that may be useful information.



localhostwizard commented 11 months ago

I was going to report the same but looks like you did already.

GalacticHypernova commented 11 months ago

Also, just in case you haven't seen my response at #69 , please let me know where it would be convenient to talk privately about a potentially very sensitive update idea.

beeyev commented 10 months ago

rambler.ru is not a temp mail service, it's a news portal and search engine.

GalacticHypernova commented 10 months ago

@beeyev Well, yes, but the mail part is very much used for temp emails, which is also what I explained in my message 🙂

Nikola-Test-for-Proton commented 10 months ago


My name is Nikola and I work in Proton's (and SimpleLogin's) Anti-Abuse team.

Just to make sure that I understand the discussion here, is this a request to add the SL domains mentioned above to a list of disposable (or temporary) emails? Keep in mind that email aliases are not temporary, but rather permanent.

We also take Anti-Abuse seriously and have different mechanisms for ensuring against bulk creation of accounts (be it on-platform or for third parties), sending spam or unwanted emails, and the like.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.

GalacticHypernova commented 10 months ago

@Nikola-Test-for-Proton Yes, you got it right. This is a request to add SL, among others (like protonmail which you reminded me to add), to the list as it is indeed a disposable email provider. I am pleased to hear that you take anti-abuse seriously, but I've seen spikes in temporary email usage from SL's domains in various places online, which led to major abuse, so it is very much problematic, which is why I would appreciate if you could implement some anti-abuse mechanisms. While your email aliases are permanent, there is nothing stopping a malicious party from simply deleting the alias after the goal for which the alias was created has been completed and create a new one. Therefore, SL is, by all means, a temp email provider.

Looking forward to hearing back from you (preferably without another copy pasted comment from the other issues you have opened, as I would much rather talk to a person than to a copy paste machine)

Though I do want to notify you in advance, if you're just gonna try to spin this around, then I recommend you to just not respond. With all due respect to you and your team, I will not fall for any sort of trickery. I know why you recommend a Proton Mail account in simplelogin. If you're actually willing to discuss this however, feel free to! 😁

Nikola-Test-for-Proton commented 10 months ago


Thank you for following up.

Please note that there are only so many ways to say what we did in similar threads we've recently created, namely expressing our interest in understanding why our domains are being listed as disposable (1) and extending an offer to the maintainer(s) to work with us in order to improve our anti-abuse mechanisms going forward (2). Apologies if you feel otherwise.

Keep in mind that we do have systems in place for dealing with abuse on all our services and SimpleLogin is no different. If you would be so kind as to share details regarding the cases you've mentioned, we would greatly appreciate it so that our team can then analyze things more deeply and take measures to attune our procedures accordingly.

As a side note, could you clarify why you also consider the Proton Mail domains to be 'fake'?

GalacticHypernova commented 10 months ago

@Nikola-Test-for-Proton I appreciate your response. I'd gladly elaborate. However, I think this discussion is better to be had privately. Please let me know where you would like for us to continue this, so as to not flood this issue with a conversation most won't have any use in.

Nikola-Test-for-Proton commented 10 months ago

Sure, feel free to reach out by sending a message at antiabuse@proton.me.

GalacticHypernova commented 10 months ago

@Nikola-Test-for-Proton Are you willing to settle for a more convenient method of communication, like Discord? Emails would be a little hard to work with for a potentially prolonged discussion.

Nikola-Test-for-Proton commented 10 months ago

That can work as well. Please provide your username when you get a chance so we can send you a message.

ghost commented 10 months ago

In this case you should block:

The same as Proton: skiff.com tutanota.com tutanota.de tutamail.com tuta.io keemail.me

If you are blocking such services then block all. Or unblock SimpleLogin and Proton because now it is kind of discrimination. If not block Skiff and Tutanota

ghost commented 10 months ago


GalacticHypernova commented 10 months ago

Wish I could thank you for the addition, but looks like you got deleted. I have added those too!

ghost commented 10 months ago

Add 5ymail.com too. It can receive mails, not only send

ghost commented 10 months ago

Also block *.maskmy.id

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4

GalacticHypernova commented 10 months ago

Thanks ghosts! Added!

ghost commented 9 months ago


Please remove ProtonMail domains from your list. Yes, they provide anonymous registration, but outlook (from Microsoft evil corp) provides anonymous registration too!

Here is a proof:


You can simply create disposable mail account on outlook. So… Why blocking Proton but not Outlook?

Here is the list of domains that should be removed:

ghost commented 9 months ago

https://github.com/7c/fakefilter/issues/73#issuecomment-1830118249 forgotten protonmail.com domain

GalacticHypernova commented 9 months ago

@NastasisFeritas That registration is just like gmail, it's much less annonymous than the ones I added here. I guess we can discuss whether or not outlook should be added too but proton stays for the time being.

GalacticHypernova commented 9 months ago

@7c do you know where all of these ghost accounts come from by any chance? First time I'm seeing such a big amount of them..

ghost commented 9 months ago

do you know where all of these ghost accounts come from by any chance? First time I'm seeing such a big amount of them..

It’s not many accounts. It is all mine.

GitHub rejects my privacy mail so I delete accounts not to be tracked by Microsoft.

It is still me.

By the way, why to include Proton but not Gmail or Outlook? There is simmilar registration without any confirmation.

ghost commented 9 months ago

Proton protects my privacy. Especially against some bad people. I need to use encrypted services for my privacy. Your request is negogate all my efforts to stay secure and private:(

I hope you will reconsider your decision

GalacticHypernova commented 9 months ago

Honestly, the more these one time accounts try to convince me to remove protonmail and simplelogin, the more I see how much it's needed to block them. It's like the marketing team is desperately trying to keep their services from being rightfully flagged and it just makes me want to block them even more. I do hope they won't cloud your judgement @7c , as these services are used for temp emails by all definitions. If you have any questions you may always ask me from the conversation we have started :)

GalacticHypernova commented 9 months ago

By the way, why to include Proton but not Gmail or Outlook?

By that logic, why not include every mail service in the world? Of course there's some level of anonymity in any email registration service, you can't physically verify with your body or something, and no website has the capability of reliably verifying your identity, because no website asks for your ID or other extremely personally identifiable information. It's about the reputation and the amount of anonymity required. I'm honestly surprised and a little disappointed you even implied it as with all due respect, the answer is very much obvious.

GitHub rejects my privacy mail so I delete accounts not to be tracked by Microsoft.

Well, I have some shocking news for you. Deleting your account won't prevent microsoft from tracking you as you're using github, which is owned by them. I am not an expert in the insides of github but this seems like a very far fetched reasoning. If it is true however, you may message me on my Discord account, but in all honesty this just seems like a reason (won't say excuse) to make it look like many accounts to perhaps try to manipulate the situation to gain your desired result, which unfortunately won't work on me.

And also, opening those issues in simplelogin and protonmail won't really do much, just saying.

ghost commented 9 months ago

I guess since I don't want to use a Google or a Microsoft product, that I'm not allowed to use sites. Cool. I wish I were paid by a marketing team to say that, but no, I'm just a user who uses tutanota because I'm just trying to get away from gmail. I don't care about being anonymous, I just care about not having my email which is a single linking identity being sold to advertisers.

What you're doing is pissing people off and that's why it's getting a lot of comments.

I've been using my same Tutanota email for most of my accounts for the past year or so. What definition of "temporary" do you say matches that?

Edit: Also, you aren't getting push back because of some "marketing campaign". Your comment influx is coming from this post: https://lemmy.world/post/9106750

Edit 2: There are definitely some offenders on that list, no one is denying that, but the ones that are quite obviously used by tons of real users like Protonmail, Tutanota, Skiff, and similar are just silly.

celenityy commented 9 months ago

Proton, Tutanota, and Skiff are legitimate email providers. This filter claims to "sweep temporary and fake email addresses from registrations", and I don't think either of those 3 providers meet that definition at all. They're legitimate email services with good reputations.

If they should be blocked, you should really consider blocking Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. as well. I'd be interested to hear any compelling arguments as to how those providers are allowed and justified, but these aren't? The only difference is Proton, Tutanota, and Skiff value privacy and their users. People should have the choice, and I fail to see how blocking them would meaningfully reduce abuse of registrations in really any way.

Please respect others' choice of email providers and people who value privacy. All this will do is alienate people from using websites that rely on this filter, while accomplishing nothing of value.

D4llo commented 9 months ago

I use both protonmail and tuta as mail provider for years. This PR is going to stop me in my day to day life.

Btw I have a 4 random gmail account and 3 outlook account for various temporary purpose. Please dont remove them too.

D4llo commented 9 months ago

@Nikola-Test-for-Proton I appreciate your response. I'd gladly elaborate. However, I think this discussion is better to be had privately. Please let me know where you would like for us to continue this, so as to not flood this issue with a conversation most won't have any use in.

I want to learn more about this can you post everything here? At least a summary?

cristian64 commented 9 months ago

I don't know the vast majority of the blocked domains, but I do use protonmail.com, and it makes no sense that it would be blocked while others like gmail.com are not.

This is a detrimental change for fakefilter; please reconsider.

BenjaminWinter commented 9 months ago

I am disheartened to see protonmail.com on this list as it has been my primary e-mail provider for many years now.

cloventt commented 9 months ago

Protonmail is a legitimate email service, widely used by privacy-minded individuals as an alternative to Gmail. Adding them to fakefilter is very similar to adding Gmail, and will make websites that adopt fakefilter inaccessible to a huge number of people. Most IT professionals I know use a proton.me as their primary personal email address, as well as some journalists and politicians.

Sierra410 commented 9 months ago

It is possible to, effectively, create a near infinite number of gmail addressees by adding a suffix or sprinkling in periods.

For example:
johnsmith@gmail.com, john.smith@gmail.com, j.o.h.n.s.m.i.t.h+u.s.a@gmail.com are all linked to the same account.

This potential for abuse of this feature is very clear. Please, include gmail.com in the list of banned domains.

TheUncannyObserver commented 9 months ago

This PR is abusive and should be denied, especially since the author provides no empirical proof whatsoever that these services are responsible for any sort of abuse, widespread or not.

zipfile6209 commented 9 months ago

Chill out people, looking at @GalacticHypernova 's replies and "research", it is now obvious enough that he is a troll (no one is that idiotic and capable of typing), there is no way this is going to come to fruition.

romner-set commented 9 months ago

In addition to protonmail (which I am using as my primary personal e-mail, btw) and everything that other people have said, I'd also like to point out that seznam.cz is literally the biggest and most often used e-mail provider in the country of Czechia, which has a population of around 11 million. It makes absolutely zero sense to include it here.

bartbutler commented 9 months ago

Hi there, I'm CTO at Proton. We are not a disposable email service, nor is SimpleLogin, our alias service. We invest several million per year in anti-abuse of our services, part of which is preventing 3PR abuse (3rd-Party Registrations). We're pretty good at it.

Unfortunately, we're in a bit of a catch-22 here. We maintain a very low abuse rate, lower than Google according to some of our 3PR sources. But, we are not as large as they are. So we are large enough to get on the radar of issues like this, but not "too big to ban".

All that banning Proton's domains would do is inconvenience millions of legitimate users and prop up the abusive internet oligopoly we find ourselves in today by making it more difficult for people to move away from it. As other commentators have noted, others on this list (Tutanota, Skiff, Seznam) also make no sense to include.

yrahul3910 commented 9 months ago

God, what a dogshit idea to include Proton/Tutanota/etc. Great job making the web less private.

Wxfisch commented 9 months ago

My entire household uses paid Proton accounts to ensure we can maintain privacy and control of email. We also use SimpleLogin to help fight spam by not needing to provide our main addresses and to easily track and stop selling of our emails when used online. Adding these services will do absolutely nothing to further the goals of this project and will cut off millions of legitimate users users from everyday online interactions all because of a truly fundamental misunderstanding of how these services work.

Luckily we use custom domains with our accounts so could likely get past the impacts if this PR, but that isn’t the case for proton users that can’t afford or don’t know how to setup custom domains.

Rijndael1998 commented 9 months ago

This is a bad faith item.

Also wp.pl??? My mom uses that mail. Why ban it?

sethdix commented 9 months ago

I use proton. What is the logic behind trying to stop people from preventing their personal information from being given away or sold? If anything, block @gmail.com.

scrufdawg commented 9 months ago

This "issue" should really be closed with prejudice.

duplexsystem commented 9 months ago

This should be closed. OP has zero clue what they're talking about.

dustingrady commented 9 months ago

What a silly idea :) The same services that provide some reprieve from the gaze of larger tech companies and subsequent selling our data (ProtonMail, Matrix, etc) will always be used by spammers and scammers alike, as they would also like to be somewhat anonymous. The differentiating factor here, is the amount of effort the anti abuse teams put into their platform. ProtonMail and a couple others have no place on this list.

taiiat0 commented 9 months ago

Google (Gmail) is literally the most abused E-mail service on Planet Earth. for incoming and outgoing spam, and suspicious/fraudulent/Et Cetera Account uses. so...... you're massively contradicting yourself. that's where the vast, vast majority of all disliked E-Mail uses on Earth are. with Microsoft (Outlook) being second, or third or such, they're pretty up there too.

so feel free to explain how it is logical at all to claim to want to reduce the amount of temporary/throwaway E-Mail use, by including many legitimate (relative to the market other than the biggest players) providers - without including the most abused services on Earth for that. if some legitimate providers fall into this category for you, then why don't some of the very largest ones that are used more for abuse, also fall into your same category? :)

GalacticHypernova commented 9 months ago

What all of you fail to realize is that it's literally the point of the project. To filter those "emails" that value privacy. Just like everyone has the right to use those privacy prioritized emails, website operators have a right to know. That is a 1:1 copy of the description of the project.

And all I can say is, if you really wanted to try and change my mind, being disrespectful and trying to raid this issue is probably the worst way to do so, out of dozens others.

taiiat0 commented 9 months ago

What all of you fail to realize is that it's literally the point of the project. To filter those "emails" that value privacy. Just like everyone has the right to use those privacy prioritized emails, website operators have a right to know. That is a 1:1 copy of the description of the project.

"literally the point of the Project" - i think you have not as of yet Read the single Paragaph on the Readme for this Project that tells you exactly what the point of the Project is, which is not what you say it is.

yrahul3910 commented 9 months ago

@GalacticHypernova That is absolutely not a "1:1 copy of the description of the project". From the README,

The intention of this project is to sweep temporary and fake email addresses from registrations. We collect fake email providers and their domains and want to publish them here in different formats. We want that site owners use this repo as reliable source to find out all fake/temp provider registration attempts.

Proton/Tutatnota/Skiff are neither fake email providers, nor temp providers. If anything, like a commenter pointed out above, GMail almost certainly has the most temp emails.

GalacticHypernova commented 9 months ago

Your comment influx is coming from this post: https://lemmy.world/post/9106750

I gotta say, it's brave of you guys to say I'm dumb and that this is stupid and then act the way you do, like actual kids. Trying to assume my age has nothing to do with this and it won't be productive for anything, and I'm baffled you don't understand it. Unfortunately for you, I won't go down to your level, because I have no reason to try and insult some people on the internet. Also I haven't heard of lemmy.world, what's it about?

GalacticHypernova commented 9 months ago

@GalacticHypernova That is absolutely not a "1:1 copy of the description of the project". From the README,

The intention of this project is to sweep temporary and fake email addresses from registrations. We collect fake email providers and their domains and want to publish them here in different formats. We want that site owners use this repo as reliable source to find out all fake/temp provider registration attempts.

Proton/Tutatnota/Skiff are neither fake email providers, nor temp providers. If anything, like a commenter pointed out above, GMail almost certainly has the most temp emails.

And now read the rest... "but also service providers do have the right to know about this fact." Do you really want to tell me that the ability to create infinite aliases and mailboxes with no repercussions whatsoever is not considered a temp email? Do you not realize how absurd that sounds? That's the literal definition of a temp email service.