7nohe / openapi-react-query-codegen

Node.js library that generates React Query (also called TanStack Query) hooks based on an OpenAPI specification file.
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Solidjs version of this library #130

Open loucass003 opened 2 months ago

loucass003 commented 2 months ago


I really needed a solidjs openapi codgen that works with tenstack solid-query. I figured that your codebase was a good base for the solidjs version and i made a fork of my own


it only supports solidjs / i replaced all the react things. I hope i am not offending you by doing this. If so i would be happy to remove it and work with you on a better solution so this library could have support for both react and solidjs

seriouslag commented 2 months ago

Hey there, great idea and that's what is great about open source. It would be awesome to add abstractions needed to this repo and output both solid and react from a single codebase, that way we could have common features and update at the same time.