The equation you have changed will cause the value to decrease from 2 to -2 instead of 2 to 0, as per the paper of GWO [1]. Do you have another reason for changing it?
[1] Mirjalili, S., Mirjalili, S. M., & Lewis, A. (2014). Grey wolf optimizer. Advances in engineering software, 69, 46-61.
Dear @Kahina-ainseur,
Thank you for your contribution.
The equation you have changed will cause the value to decrease from 2 to -2 instead of 2 to 0, as per the paper of GWO [1]. Do you have another reason for changing it?
[1] Mirjalili, S., Mirjalili, S. M., & Lewis, A. (2014). Grey wolf optimizer. Advances in engineering software, 69, 46-61.