7x11x13 / youtube-up

Upload videos to YouTube using the internal YouTube API. Does not require an API key.
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Unexpected Error during Large uploads. #7

Open kuroderuta opened 2 weeks ago

kuroderuta commented 2 weeks ago

Trying to upload a file that has 116GB I'm encountering the following error after a while:

(Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2427)'))), this also invalidates my cookie file so I need to export it again.

I have tried with smaller video files and it works just fine.

7x11x13 commented 2 weeks ago

Have you tried uploading it multiple times? Does it always fail at around the same time?

kuroderuta commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, I tried several times. It fails seemingly towards the end of the upload, maybe even at the very end, calculating from the average disk usage during the upload.

7x11x13 commented 2 weeks ago

Are you able to upload the video to YouTube normally (through the website)?

kuroderuta commented 2 weeks ago


kuroderuta commented 1 week ago

I implemented the progress (it starts from 20% on upload for some reason) and I always get an error on 70%

Step: upload_video, Progress: 70.00%
Authentication error. Retrying in 60 seconds...
Step: start, Progress: 0.00%
Unexpected error during upload: Could not log in to YouTube account. Try getting new cookies
Error type: YTUploaderException
Error details: ('Could not log in to YouTube account. Try getting new cookies',)
7x11x13 commented 1 week ago

After the large upload fails, are you able to upload a shorter video using the same cookies? Maybe the cookies are becoming invalid before the large file finishes uploading

kuroderuta commented 1 week ago

I cannot, a failed upload invalidates the cookies. Seemingly the cookies 'expire' during the large uploads for some reason.

7x11x13 commented 1 week ago

I've made the uploader reload cookies after it uploads the file (and before generating session token), so hopefully it's at least possible to upload such long videos if you save new cookies right before the file upload finishes (which is 70% on the progress bar). I have some ideas for a real fix but it's kind of annoying to test this issue...

kuroderuta commented 1 week ago

Yeah I understand, I have a fairly fast connection and its still tiresome to test. Anyway I gave the new update a shot, unfortunately still the same behavior as before. Also tested again with a much smaller file with no issues.