8023YangDesignTeam / EthernetYang

For the development of YANG modules for IEEE 802.3 Ethernet
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ianaift:ethernetCsmacd and ianaift:iso88023csmacd #11

Open mxhajduczenia opened 8 years ago

mxhajduczenia commented 8 years ago

there is ianaift:ethernetCsmacd and there is also iso88023csmacd (per RFC 3635), which as far as I understand are expected to be the same, given that ISO 88023 is the same as IEEE Std 802.3, just published by international SDO.

The suggestion in here would be to point iso88023csmacd back to whatever we come up with, since these are expected to be the same interface types

rgwilton commented 8 years ago

I think iso88023csmacd is dead, as per:

ethernetCsmacd(6), -- for all ethernet-like interfaces, -- regardless of speed, as per RFC3635 iso88023Csmacd(7), -- Deprecated via RFC3635 -- ethernetCsmacd (6) should be used instead

from https://www.iana.org/assignments/ianaiftype-mib/ianaiftype-mib.

If we can point it back to whatever then great, but quite possibly we might not be able to change the original definition (or doing so might be quite a lot of hassle and fuss... which might still be worth doing). The correct answer might be to mark is as deprecated in YANG.

mxhajduczenia commented 8 years ago

once the 802 level decision on interface naming is done, probably what will happen is that we will have a new IANA interface type, (just an example) ieee-802-ethernet, and then we would have to ask IANA to deprecate ethernetCsmacd and point to new definition and deprecate iso88023Csmacd and point to new definition.

yes, it is a hassle, but otherwise we will continue running into conflicts in naming space. In this way, any existing implementations of ethernetCsmacd will continue running without clashing with the new definitions.

rgwilton commented 8 years ago

All Ethernet interfaces should just use ethernetCsmacd, all other Ethernet related types are dead/deprecated. I might be wrong, but I would expect that we'll get strong push back if we try and deprecate and change ethernetCsmacd.

I'm not actually suggesting any new types to represent an Ethernet interface in IANA definitions. I'm proposing a new YANG identity type for Ethernet interfaces that is defined outside of (but is derived from) the IANA ethernetCsmacd definition.

mxhajduczenia commented 8 years ago

ultimately, it will be decision of 802 how to handle name space - we will need to have a scheme that addresses 802.3. 802.1, 802.11 and other interfaces with clean delineation and not relying on old fragmented interface definitions.