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Replace setx command and use PowerShell #183

Closed Diddyy closed 1 year ago

Diddyy commented 1 year ago

Started getting the following error on build; MSB3073 - The command "setx PLUS_EMULATOR_HOME D:\VS Repos\PlusEMU\bin\Debug\net7.0\" exited with code 1.

I explored that the error in the PostBuild event could be due to the fact that setx command is attempting to create a new environment variable with a value that already exists. I tried to mitigate this issue by adding the /M flag to the setx command, which modifies the system environment variable instead of the user environment variable. I also added the /F flag, which will force the overwrite of the existing variable value.

But it appeared that the setx command still results in an error. So I used a different approach using PowerShell to set the environment variable.

Replacing the <Exec Command> line in the <Target Name="PostBuild"> section with the following line:

<Exec Command="powershell -Command '[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable(&quot;PLUS_EMULATOR_HOME&quot;, &quot;$([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath('$(OutDir)'))&quot;, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)'" /> This command will use PowerShell to set the PLUS_EMULATOR_HOME environment variable at the machine level.

Now have a successful build, works as intended