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Can emulator run "Acedia: Indie horror" game? #25

Open m1haiLL opened 1 year ago

m1haiLL commented 1 year ago

I try to install xap, but says error, and i wondering: its problem in me, or its problem in emulator? I pin file, what i want to install. P.S: srry for my uncorrect English. I very bad know him( Here is file

mediaexplorer74 commented 1 year ago

I try to install xap, but says error, and i wondering: its problem in me, or its problem in emulator? ...

I downloaded that xap file you shared. It has zero (0 bytes) size... Please try/share another file...

UPD: I found normal xap file. The answer: its problem in emulator. WPR emulator can't run "Acedia: Indie horror" game. I think, FNA.Core project is uncomplete... or Mono.Cecil used at non-proper way (to patch dll files)

MHISTUDIOS commented 4 months ago

So, after a while, I dug up another .xap file of this game. It's not empty, and it even shows an icon in the program menu, but again I get an error. Help - please. EDIT: i writing from new acc rn, so I'm the same person who started this thread