8212369 / WPR

WP7-8 APP 运行器
242 stars 14 forks source link

i can't compile the for android because it's invalid even if re download #35

Open Pierrestro opened 7 months ago

Pierrestro commented 7 months ago

pls link any compiled code for android because my computer deny to compile the code because it's invalid just link compiled files and explain me what to do after downloading the files and pls dont make project public without files compiled with cmake because some will not be able to use it

mediaexplorer74 commented 4 days ago

Hi Pierrestro.

1 year ago, I used this things to compile forked WPR code for android: 1 ) I installed newest Visual Studio 2022 Preview (Community Edition) 2) I installed .NET 6 (idk why... maybe, it's optional?)) 3) I added new nupkg source "Avalonia" (https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/AvaloniaUI/AvaloniaUI/_packaging/avalonia-all/nuget/v3/index.json) to automate Avalonia package downloading on building process 4 ) I installed "Avalonia for VS 2022" extension.

Maybe, my steps could help you...

Cheers, [m][e]