8212369 / WPR

WP7-8 APP 运行器
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One dev question about Commit "6219ebcab10a2638d93a1fc0bc15323112b7fd99" (Fruit Ninja working) #6

Open mediaexplorer74 opened 1 year ago

mediaexplorer74 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Lin Yan.

Interesting theme (solution), thank you very much. You're great C# developer. I started following you at GitHub :) I dream about your new releases of "WPR" (for Windows 10 Mobile build 16212, for example)))))))) ;)

I have one dev question about Commit "6219ebcab10a2638d93a1fc0bc15323112b7fd99" (Fruit Ninja working): what I must to have at c:\temp folder for succesful app starting ? What is "Morter.TheGame" object? Game name or... what? =) I have the problems with this line of code: Type tt = assem.GetType("Mortar.TheGame");

I have the good Frut.Ninja.xap, and I tried to edit the line: Type tt = assem.GetType("Fruit.Ninja");

No effect. The result of tt computation is null :(

Please share the "c:\temp" content (FNWP72.dll, Mortar.Game.xap, etc.)

Best regards, [m][e]

Thetouchedjoe commented 9 months ago

Ok, mediaexplorer74, well the WPR project is sadly dead and the developer's seemly saying "Goodbye" mysteriously to the project :(