89luca89 / distrobox

Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at: https://gitlab.com/89luca89/distrobox
GNU General Public License v3.0
9.43k stars 385 forks source link

Installing basic packages... Error: An error occurred; ubuntu 23.10 (both host and distrobox image) #1354

Closed retif closed 2 months ago

retif commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug can not distrobox enter ubuntu. it fails with error Installing basic packages... Error: An error occurred

To Reproduce distrobox create --image ubuntu:23.10 --name ubuntu distrobox enter ubuntu

Expected behavior see a working bash prompt from the running image


oleks@howard:~$ distrobox enter ubuntu --verbose
+ [ -z ubuntu ]
+ command -v podman
+ container_manager=podman
+ command -v podman
+ [ 1 -ne 0 ]
+ container_manager=podman --log-level debug
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ container_home=/home/oleks
+ container_path=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ container_status=unknown
+ podman --log-level debug inspect --type container ubuntu --format container_status={{.State.Status}};
        {{range .Config.Env}}{{if slice . 0 5 | eq "HOME="}}container_home={{slice . 5 | printf "%q"}};{{end}}{{end}}
        {{range .Config.Env}}{{if slice . 0 5 | eq "PATH="}}container_path={{slice . 5 | printf "%q"}}{{end}}{{end}}
INFO[0000] podman filtering at log level debug
DEBU[0000] Called inspect.PersistentPreRunE(podman --log-level debug inspect --type container ubuntu --format container_status={{.State.Status}};
        {{range .Config.Env}}{{if slice . 0 5 | eq "HOME="}}container_home={{slice . 5 | printf "%q"}};{{end}}{{end}}
        {{range .Config.Env}}{{if slice . 0 5 | eq "PATH="}}container_path={{slice . 5 | printf "%q"}}{{end}}{{end}})
DEBU[0000] Merged system config "/usr/share/containers/containers.conf"
DEBU[0000] Using conmon: "/usr/bin/conmon"
DEBU[0000] Initializing boltdb state at /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/libpod/bolt_state.db
DEBU[0000] Using graph driver vfs
DEBU[0000] Using graph root /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage
DEBU[0000] Using run root /run/user/1002/containers
DEBU[0000] Using static dir /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/libpod
DEBU[0000] Using tmp dir /run/user/1002/libpod/tmp
DEBU[0000] Using volume path /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes
DEBU[0000] Set libpod namespace to ""
DEBU[0000] [graphdriver] trying provided driver "vfs"
DEBU[0000] Initializing event backend journald
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runc initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runc: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runj initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runj: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime kata initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime kata: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runsc initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runsc: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime krun initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime krun: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Using OCI runtime "/usr/bin/crun"
INFO[0000] Setting parallel job count to 97
DEBU[0000] Looking up image "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" in local containers storage
DEBU[0000] Trying "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" ...
DEBU[0000] parsed reference into "[vfs@/home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage+/run/user/1002/containers]@93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a"
DEBU[0000] Found image "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" as "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" in local containers storage
DEBU[0000] Found image "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" as "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" in local containers storage ([vfs@/home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage+/run/user/1002/containers]@93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a)
DEBU[0000] Called inspect.PersistentPostRunE(podman --log-level debug inspect --type container ubuntu --format container_status={{.State.Status}};
        {{range .Config.Env}}{{if slice . 0 5 | eq "HOME="}}container_home={{slice . 5 | printf "%q"}};{{end}}{{end}}
        {{range .Config.Env}}{{if slice . 0 5 | eq "PATH="}}container_path={{slice . 5 | printf "%q"}}{{end}}{{end}})
+ eval container_status=exited;
+ container_status=exited
+ container_home=/home/oleks
+ container_path=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
+ [ exited = unknown ]
+ [ exited != running ]
+ printf Container %s is not running.\n ubuntu
Container ubuntu is not running.
+ printf Starting container %s\n ubuntu
Starting container ubuntu
+ printf run this command to follow along:\n\n
run this command to follow along:

+ printf  %s logs -f %s\n\n podman --log-level debug ubuntu
 podman --log-level debug logs -f ubuntu

+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.004662609+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug start ubuntu
INFO[0000] podman filtering at log level debug
DEBU[0000] Called start.PersistentPreRunE(podman --log-level debug start ubuntu)
DEBU[0000] Merged system config "/usr/share/containers/containers.conf"
DEBU[0000] Using conmon: "/usr/bin/conmon"
DEBU[0000] Initializing boltdb state at /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/libpod/bolt_state.db
DEBU[0000] Using graph driver vfs
DEBU[0000] Using graph root /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage
DEBU[0000] Using run root /run/user/1002/containers
DEBU[0000] Using static dir /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/libpod
DEBU[0000] Using tmp dir /run/user/1002/libpod/tmp
DEBU[0000] Using volume path /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes
DEBU[0000] Set libpod namespace to ""
DEBU[0000] [graphdriver] trying provided driver "vfs"
DEBU[0000] Initializing event backend journald
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime krun initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime krun: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runc initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runc: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runj initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runj: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime kata initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime kata: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runsc initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runsc: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Using OCI runtime "/usr/bin/crun"
INFO[0000] Setting parallel job count to 97
DEBU[0000] [graphdriver] trying provided driver "vfs"
DEBU[0000] Mounted container "2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48" at "/home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/vfs/dir/3a34328ee426f20ffc1cd4ff3e80396ef99b3720ae92155fb21c81400be842df"
DEBU[0000] Going to mount named volume a67457994262d2a4fa9a77baa053bd3f67226a8f4f3039764fbebdde1782cb92
DEBU[0000] Copying up contents from container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 to volume a67457994262d2a4fa9a77baa053bd3f67226a8f4f3039764fbebdde1782cb92
DEBU[0000] Created root filesystem for container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 at /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/vfs/dir/3a34328ee426f20ffc1cd4ff3e80396ef99b3720ae92155fb21c81400be842df
DEBU[0000] Not modifying container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 /etc/passwd
DEBU[0000] Not modifying container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 /etc/group
DEBU[0000] /etc/system-fips does not exist on host, not mounting FIPS mode subscription
INFO[0000] User mount overriding libpod mount at "/etc/resolv.conf"
INFO[0000] User mount overriding libpod mount at "/etc/hosts"
DEBU[0000] Setting Cgroups for container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 to user.slice:libpod:2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48
DEBU[0000] Set root propagation to "rslave"
DEBU[0000] reading hooks from /usr/share/containers/oci/hooks.d
DEBU[0000] Workdir "/" resolved to host path "/home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/vfs/dir/3a34328ee426f20ffc1cd4ff3e80396ef99b3720ae92155fb21c81400be842df"
DEBU[0000] Created OCI spec for container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 at /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/vfs-containers/2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48/userdata/config.json
DEBU[0000] /usr/bin/conmon messages will be logged to syslog
DEBU[0000] running conmon: /usr/bin/conmon               args="[--api-version 1 -c 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 -u 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 -r /usr/bin/crun -b /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/vfs-containers/2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48/userdata -p /run/user/1002/containers/vfs-containers/2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48/userdata/pidfile -n ubuntu --exit-dir /run/user/1002/libpod/tmp/exits --full-attach -s -l journald --log-level debug --syslog --conmon-pidfile /run/user/1002/containers/vfs-containers/2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48/userdata/conmon.pid --exit-command /usr/bin/podman --exit-command-arg --root --exit-command-arg /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage --exit-command-arg --runroot --exit-command-arg /run/user/1002/containers --exit-command-arg --log-level --exit-command-arg debug --exit-command-arg --cgroup-manager --exit-command-arg systemd --exit-command-arg --tmpdir --exit-command-arg /run/user/1002/libpod/tmp --exit-command-arg --network-config-dir --exit-command-arg  --exit-command-arg --network-backend --exit-command-arg netavark --exit-command-arg --volumepath --exit-command-arg /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes --exit-command-arg --runtime --exit-command-arg crun --exit-command-arg --storage-driver --exit-command-arg vfs --exit-command-arg --events-backend --exit-command-arg journald --exit-command-arg --syslog --exit-command-arg container --exit-command-arg cleanup --exit-command-arg 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48]"
[conmon:d]: failed to write to /proc/self/oom_score_adj: Permission denied

INFO[0000] Running conmon under slice user.slice and unitName libpod-conmon-2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48.scope
DEBU[0000] Received: 72298
INFO[0000] Got Conmon PID as 72295
DEBU[0000] Created container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 in OCI runtime
DEBU[0000] Starting container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48 with command [/usr/bin/entrypoint -v --name oleks --user 1002 --group 1002 --home /home/oleks --init 0 --pre-init-hooks  -- ]
DEBU[0000] Started container 2ce1c7ffe84438dccd59c4f125a41304f81648b43c793b1e073a0276f676ac48
DEBU[0000] Notify sent successfully
DEBU[0000] Called start.PersistentPostRunE(podman --log-level debug start ubuntu)
+ podman --log-level debug inspect --type container ubuntu --format {{.State.Status}}
INFO[0000] podman filtering at log level debug
DEBU[0000] Called inspect.PersistentPreRunE(podman --log-level debug inspect --type container ubuntu --format {{.State.Status}})
DEBU[0000] Merged system config "/usr/share/containers/containers.conf"
DEBU[0000] Using conmon: "/usr/bin/conmon"
DEBU[0000] Initializing boltdb state at /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/libpod/bolt_state.db
DEBU[0000] Using graph driver vfs
DEBU[0000] Using graph root /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage
DEBU[0000] Using run root /run/user/1002/containers
DEBU[0000] Using static dir /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/libpod
DEBU[0000] Using tmp dir /run/user/1002/libpod/tmp
DEBU[0000] Using volume path /home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes
DEBU[0000] Set libpod namespace to ""
DEBU[0000] [graphdriver] trying provided driver "vfs"
DEBU[0000] Initializing event backend journald
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runc initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runc: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runj initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runj: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime kata initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime kata: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime runsc initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runsc: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Configured OCI runtime krun initialization failed: no valid executable found for OCI runtime krun: invalid argument
DEBU[0000] Using OCI runtime "/usr/bin/crun"
INFO[0000] Setting parallel job count to 97
DEBU[0000] Looking up image "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" in local containers storage
DEBU[0000] Trying "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" ...
DEBU[0000] parsed reference into "[vfs@/home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage+/run/user/1002/containers]@93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a"
DEBU[0000] Found image "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" as "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" in local containers storage
DEBU[0000] Found image "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" as "93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a" in local containers storage ([vfs@/home/oleks/.local/share/containers/storage+/run/user/1002/containers]@93816ef1ab9007d690d5e88dbb2646b371d52f27a44605fee6561519afc15d0a)
DEBU[0000] Called inspect.PersistentPostRunE(podman --log-level debug inspect --type container ubuntu --format {{.State.Status}})
+ [ running != running ]
+ printf %-40s\t  Starting container...
 Starting container...                          + mkdir -p /home/oleks/.cache/
+ touch /home/oleks/.cache/.ubuntu.fifo
+ touch /home/oleks/.cache/.ubuntu.status
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.136935802+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.004662609+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ echo distrobox: Installing basic packages...
+ cut -d: -f2-
+ current_line= Installing basic packages...
+ grep -q  Installing basic packages... /home/oleks/.cache/.ubuntu.status
+ printf \033[32m [ OK ]\n\033[0m%-40s\t  Installing basic packages...
 [ OK ]
 Installing basic packages...                   + printf %s\n  Installing basic packages...
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.136935802+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.178544914+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.136935802+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.178544914+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.223437333+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.178544914+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.223437333+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.336012194+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.223437333+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.336012194+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.438661367+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.336012194+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.438661367+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.486584515+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.438661367+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.486584515+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.515353478+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.486584515+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.515353478+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.602964749+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.515353478+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.602964749+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.695560607+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.602964749+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.695560607+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.785743096+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.695560607+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.785743096+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.825867024+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.785743096+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.825867024+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.859259726+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.825867024+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.859259726+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.879402757+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.859259726+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.879402757+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.896778966+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.879402757+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.896778966+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.913993643+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.896778966+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.913993643+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.931004577+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.913993643+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.931004577+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.948361309+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.931004577+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.948361309+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.964327878+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.948361309+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.964327878+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.980888251+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.964327878+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.980888251+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:16.997516271+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.980888251+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:16.997516271+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.015023994+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:16.997516271+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.015023994+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.033164347+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.015023994+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.033164347+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.050500844+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.033164347+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.050500844+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.069073088+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.050500844+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.069073088+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.088448693+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.069073088+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.088448693+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.106707752+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.088448693+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.106707752+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.123276740+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.106707752+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.123276740+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.141529063+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.123276740+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.141529063+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.162609016+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.141529063+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.162609016+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.179960054+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.162609016+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.179960054+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.197394808+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.179960054+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.197394808+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.213907492+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.197394808+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.213907492+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.231399087+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.213907492+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.231399087+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.248781557+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.231399087+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.248781557+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.265653710+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.248781557+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.265653710+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.282218106+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.265653710+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.282218106+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.298335370+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.282218106+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.298335370+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.314756291+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.298335370+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.314756291+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.331188670+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.314756291+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.331188670+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.347490493+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.331188670+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.347490493+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.365474569+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.347490493+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.365474569+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.382494949+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.365474569+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.382494949+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.399863184+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.382494949+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.399863184+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.418728331+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.399863184+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.418728331+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.435679238+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.418728331+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.435679238+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.453086492+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.435679238+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.453086492+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.469521164+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.453086492+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.469521164+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.488709623+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.469521164+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.488709623+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.507125769+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.488709623+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.507125769+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.525589079+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.507125769+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.525589079+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.543350071+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.525589079+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.543350071+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.561500055+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.543350071+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.561500055+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.579051307+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.561500055+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.579051307+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.597670876+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.579051307+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.597670876+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.615117509+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.597670876+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.615117509+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.633572302+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.615117509+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.633572302+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.652866095+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.633572302+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.652866095+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.670480884+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.652866095+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.670480884+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.687880575+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.670480884+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.687880575+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.704618691+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.687880575+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.704618691+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.720456071+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.704618691+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.720456071+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.736738080+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.720456071+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.736738080+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.753315395+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.736738080+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.753315395+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.770933390+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.753315395+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.770933390+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.788561705+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.770933390+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.788561705+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.806121742+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.788561705+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.806121742+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.822404389+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.806121742+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.822404389+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.839229614+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.822404389+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.839229614+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.855767873+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.839229614+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.855767873+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.873294376+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.855767873+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.873294376+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.890970832+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.873294376+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.890970832+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.907397650+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.890970832+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.907397650+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.925431711+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.907397650+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.925431711+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.943504641+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.925431711+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.943504641+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.961063722+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.943504641+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.961063722+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:17.978820711+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.961063722+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:17.978820711+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:18.002243294+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:17.978820711+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:18.002243294+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:18.020595478+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:18.002243294+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ log_timestamp=2024-04-25T08:39:18.020595478+00:00
+ true
+ date +%FT%T.%N%:z
+ log_timestamp_new=2024-04-25T08:39:18.040241669+00:00
+ podman --log-level debug logs --since 2024-04-25T08:39:18.020595478+00:00 ubuntu
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ IFS= read -r line
+ printf \033[31m %s\n\033[0m Error: An error occurred
 Error: An error occurred
+ exit 1
+ rm -f /home/oleks/.cache/.ubuntu.fifo /home/oleks/.cache/.ubuntu.status

Attach also the output of podman logs or docker logs, possibly with --latest flag

oleks@howard:~$ podman logs --latest
+ [ -n  ]
distrobox: Installing basic packages...
+ printf distrobox: Installing basic packages...\n
+ basename /bin/bash
+ shell_pkg=bash
+ [ bash = ash ]
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ command -v find
+ command -v mount
+ command -v passwd
+ command -v sudo
+ command -v apk
+ command -v apt-get
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ rm -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes
+ export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+ apt-get update
Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic InRelease [256 kB]
Get:2 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-security InRelease [109 kB]
Get:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-updates InRelease [109 kB]
Get:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-backports InRelease [90.8 kB]
Get:5 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic/main amd64 Packages [1808 kB]
Get:6 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic/universe amd64 Packages [18.8 MB]
Get:7 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-security/multiverse amd64 Packages [6227 B]
Get:8 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-security/universe amd64 Packages [354 kB]
Get:9 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic/restricted amd64 Packages [180 kB]
Get:10 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic/multiverse amd64 Packages [293 kB]
Get:11 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-updates/main amd64 Packages [498 kB]
Get:12 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [449 kB]
Get:13 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-updates/universe amd64 Packages [417 kB]
Get:14 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [9605 B]
Get:15 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-security/restricted amd64 Packages [427 kB]
Get:16 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-security/main amd64 Packages [434 kB]
Get:17 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-backports/universe amd64 Packages [4217 B]
Fetched 24.3 MB in 2s (15.1 MB/s)
Reading package lists...
+ apt-get install -y bash
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
bash is already the newest version (5.2.15-2ubuntu1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
+ apt-get install -y bash apt-utils bc curl dialog diffutils findutils gnupg2 less libnss-myhostname libvte-2.9[0-9]-common libvte-common lsof ncurses-base passwd pinentry-curses procps sudo time wget util-linux
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package libvte-common
+ [ 100 -ne 0 ]
Error: An error occurred
+ printf Error: An error occurred\n
+ [ -n  ]
+ printf distrobox: Installing basic packages...\n
distrobox: Installing basic packages...
+ basename /bin/bash
+ shell_pkg=bash
+ [ bash = ash ]
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ command -v find
+ command -v mount
+ command -v passwd
+ command -v sudo
+ command -v apk
+ command -v apt-get
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ rm -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes
+ export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+ apt-get update
Hit:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-security InRelease
Hit:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic InRelease
Hit:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-updates InRelease
Hit:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-backports InRelease
Reading package lists...
+ apt-get install -y bash
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
bash is already the newest version (5.2.15-2ubuntu1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
+ apt-get install -y bash apt-utils bc curl dialog diffutils findutils gnupg2 less libnss-myhostname libvte-2.9[0-9]-common libvte-common lsof ncurses-base passwd pinentry-curses procps sudo time wget util-linux
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package libvte-common
+ [ 100 -ne 0 ]
Error: An error occurred
+ printf Error: An error occurred\n
+ [ -n  ]
+ printf distrobox: Installing basic packages...\n
distrobox: Installing basic packages...
+ basename /bin/bash
+ shell_pkg=bash
+ [ bash = ash ]
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ command -v find
+ command -v mount
+ command -v passwd
+ command -v sudo
+ command -v apk
+ command -v apt-get
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ rm -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes
+ export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+ apt-get update
Hit:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic InRelease
Hit:2 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-security InRelease
Hit:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-updates InRelease
Hit:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-backports InRelease
Reading package lists...
+ apt-get install -y bash
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
bash is already the newest version (5.2.15-2ubuntu1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
+ apt-get install -y bash apt-utils bc curl dialog diffutils findutils gnupg2 less libnss-myhostname libvte-2.9[0-9]-common libvte-common lsof ncurses-base passwd pinentry-curses procps sudo time wget util-linux
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package libvte-common
+ [ 100 -ne 0 ]
Error: An error occurred
+ printf Error: An error occurred\n
+ [ -n  ]
+ printf distrobox: Installing basic packages...\n
distrobox: Installing basic packages...
+ basename /bin/bash
+ shell_pkg=bash
+ [ bash = ash ]
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ command -v find
+ command -v mount
+ command -v passwd
+ command -v sudo
+ command -v apk
+ command -v apt-get
+ [ 0 -ne 0 ]
+ rm -f /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes
+ export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+ apt-get update
Hit:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-security InRelease
Hit:2 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic InRelease
Hit:3 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-updates InRelease
Hit:4 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu mantic-backports InRelease
Reading package lists...
+ apt-get install -y bash
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
bash is already the newest version (5.2.15-2ubuntu1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.
+ apt-get install -y bash apt-utils bc curl dialog diffutils findutils gnupg2 less libnss-myhostname libvte-2.9[0-9]-common libvte-common lsof ncurses-base passwd pinentry-curses procps sudo time wget util-linux
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
E: Unable to locate package libvte-common
+ [ 100 -ne 0 ]
+ printf Error: An error occurred\n
Error: An error occurred

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

89luca89 commented 2 months ago

Distrobox is ancient and unsupported, try again with newer versions