8Ginette8 / gbif.range

An R package to generate species range maps based on ecoregions and a user-friendly GBIF wrapper
MIT License
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invisible struff #3

Closed ohagen closed 9 months ago

ohagen commented 11 months ago

get_gbif: no visible binding for global variable 'bone' get_range: no visible binding for global variable 'eco.earth' get_range: no visible global function definition for 'kmeans' make_ecoregion: no visible global function definition for 'complete.cases' Undefined global functions or variables: bone complete.cases eco.earth kmeans Consider adding importFrom("stats", "complete.cases", "kmeans") to your NAMESPACE file.

8Ginette8 commented 9 months ago

Related to new open issue. I have also added an important missing import in the NAMESPACE file. Could you check it in the same time?

ohagen commented 9 months ago

Some are still missing, closing with this comment and wrapping on the latest