8Ginette8 / gbif.range

An R package to generate species range maps based on ecoregions and a user-friendly GBIF wrapper
MIT License
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NAMESPACE - importFrom(mclust,mclustBIC) #9

Closed 8Ginette8 closed 8 months ago

8Ginette8 commented 9 months ago

The code line "importFrom(mclust,mclustBIC)" needs to be always in there, otherwise get_range does not work...This or another solution...

8Ginette8 commented 9 months ago

range.tiger = get_range(sp_name="Panthera tigris",occ_coord=obs.pt,Bioreg=eco.earth,Bioreg_name="ECO_NAME")

Start of computation for species: Panthera tigris

4 outlier's from 155 | proportion from total points: 3% Bioregion 1 of 9 : Brahmaputra Valley Semi-Evergreen Forests Error in mclustBIC(data = c(1093.3565, 1093.3538, 1091.0011, 1091.2166, : could not find function "mclustBIC"

---> The error is this

ohagen commented 8 months ago

mclust moved to depends