8bitPit / Niagara-Issues

A place to submit feature requests and bug reports for Niagara Launcher, a modern + minimalist Android home screen optimized for one-✋ access and staying focused.
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"hide names of favorites" and a notification inside the popup #2475

Open n-andflash opened 5 months ago

n-andflash commented 5 months ago

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I added my most used messaging app to my favorites, and added other messengers to the app's popup. When I get a notification inside the popup, Niagara's notification also shows the name of the main app. When the "hide names of favorites" option is turned on, this behavior is weird. It should keep the names hidden and show more information about the notification.

Feature Request Procedure

NiagaraSupport commented 1 month ago

Hey there, thanks for the suggestion. I'm working through some older tickets right now. This behavior is intentional, as some users prefer to know which app the notifications are from. Leaving that space empty also wouldn't save enough space to display more notification details and might look odd.

n-andflash commented 1 month ago


NiagaraSupport commented 1 month ago

Apologies for the oversight. Handling and answering multiple tickets can sometimes lead to errors, especially if there have been similar ones in the past. I understand your actual request now and will bring it up for discussion. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

NiagaraSupport commented 1 month ago

I talked to the rest of the team, and we'll discuss the issue at an opportune moment, and when to address it

n-andflash commented 1 month ago

Thank you for taking it again and reopening it! I thought it was going to be abandoned as it is. I'm looking forward to hearing good news.