8bitPit / Niagara-Issues

A place to submit feature requests and bug reports for Niagara Launcher, a modern + minimalist Android home screen optimized for one-✋ access and staying focused.
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Pro License not recognized automatically #2606

Open ValPB opened 3 months ago

ValPB commented 3 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

I am using a "stateless" Android device, that means it has no battery and syncs everything on startup. That means: during startup there is no internet connection and time is set wrong.

So every time i start this device (every few days) Niagara will be started and complains about the missing license. So every time i have to fix this license problem manually.

That means it shows:

"There's a problem with your Niagara Pro membership"

I have to click on this, and if the time is already set correctly and the internet connection is running, then it recognizes, yes i have a license and everything is wonderfull.

Describe the solution you'd like

It would be supercool if Niagara could check after 5 seconds again, if it could get his license. (Or if it simply could remember the license status of the last run at startup and check for its license 1 minute after startup...)

Feature Request Procedure

NiagaraSupport commented 3 months ago

Hey there, thanks for your report. In theory, you should be good without a license check for 30 days. If the date and time are way off, it might cause some issues. We'll look into it and see what we can do.

ValPB commented 1 month ago

Hi - i just wanted to ask: Any news/updates on this issue?

Maxr1998 commented 1 month ago

This is most indeed caused by the incorrect date. We could possibly introduce a workaround for this, but it isn't a high priority for us right now. What I wanted to know still — what's the date/time you usually see when starting the device? Is it the date that the device was last powered on, or something way in the past?

Update: we may have found a solution, actually. Please stay tuned for the next update, and report back if you still notice the issue then.

ValPB commented 1 month ago

Hi - thank you for again for the prompt answer.

I just tried it, and the date/time was something way in the past: 6th of April 2023 (i guess the last update of the system).

But wonderful - i am looking forward to the next update and report if it works!