8bitPit / Niagara-Issues

A place to submit feature requests and bug reports for Niagara Launcher, a modern + minimalist Android home screen optimized for one-✋ access and staying focused.
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Ability to order clock, Niagara widgets, widget stack, media controls, favorites #2622

Closed EtzBetz closed 1 month ago

EtzBetz commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

Most widgets do have a background color, which often clashes with wallpapers when the widget is placed in the middle of the screen.

I usually place my things somewhat on the middle, customizing it a bit to fit the wallpaper aesthetics. But I often already had the issue where it would still clash in some way, no matter how I'd position it. I also dislike having to placing it very low so that the list ends up scrolling.

Here's an example and how I'm not able to fix it also on the maximum top height.

Screenshot_20240312-162513 Screenshot_20240312-162534

Describe the solution you'd like

I would like if one was able to order the clock, Niagara widgets, widget stack, media controls and favorites in a custom order.

If I could sort those, they wouldn't interfere with wallpapers as much.

In general I think this could be a handsome feature and could be integrated somewhat easily by just displaying it similarly to the favorite sorting thing, or in Niagara settings, also just in a sorting list for those 5 things.

If I was able to place the widget stack below favorites, it wouldn't clash with the wallpaper.

And also the default sorting could still be like this and users wouldn't have to care.

Feature Request Procedure

NiagaraSupport commented 1 month ago

Hey, thanks for your suggestion. Right now, adding a custom order option isn't feasible due to some other priorities and the limited impact / reach it might have. But I've noted your suggestion down and if more folks bring it up later on, we can definitely take another look. In the meantime, if your main concern is the visual mismatch between the widget and wallpaper, consider using a widget stack with a widget that matches better or is smaller or even an empty widget.