8bitPit / Niagara-Issues

A place to submit feature requests and bug reports for Niagara Launcher, a modern + minimalist Android home screen optimized for one-✋ access and staying focused.
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Enabling 'Replace widget with clock' causes Niagara to no longer register double taps #2637

Open Shinra04 opened 1 month ago

Shinra04 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug

Steps to reproduce

  1. install muzei live wallpaper
  2. change gesture settings from bottom right 3 dots to 'temporarily disable blur effects' on doubla tap
  3. try double tap without replacing custom widget with clock (it will work)
  4. then try replacing widget with clock (double tap no longer works)

Does the issue also occur with other 3rd-party launchers?

Problem doesn't occur with other launchers

Other 3rd-party launcher(s) tested

Nova, trebuchet, pixel

Device name

Redmi K20 (using lineageOS 21)

Android version

Android 14

Screenshots / Screen recordings

No response