8bitPit / Niagara-Issues

A place to submit feature requests and bug reports for Niagara Launcher, a modern + minimalist Android home screen optimized for one-✋ access and staying focused.
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Agenda Calendar Source Identification #2653

Closed idonotbelonghere closed 3 weeks ago

idonotbelonghere commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

In the Niagara Agenda there are coloured lines next to each agenda item which help the user identify their source. My phone has a greyscale (e-ink) screen, so these lines all show as shades of grey and become indistinguishable.

Niagara LauncherX

Describe the solution you'd like

Please add variation to the shape / pattern / thickness of the lines which identify an agenda item's source. Differentiation would make it possible to identify the item's source easier (on colour and greyscale screens). I'd suggest that this feature could be toggled on / off since the current line looks cleaner and would be most user's aesthetic preference.

Here's a gif with some quick examples (shown in greyscale). Niagara-Launcher-Agenda-Squiggles

P.S. LOVE the launcher! love

Feature Request Procedure

NiagaraSupport commented 3 weeks ago

Hey there, thanks for your suggestion. I discussed it with the team, and unfortunately, we don't have much control over the calendar's color settings. We just use what's provided to us. Reworking this would require significant effort. Although your ticket was well-presented, and your points are valid, for now, we recommend changing the individual calendar colors to get more distinct gray-scale versions. We appreciate your understanding.