8bitPit / Niagara-Issues

A place to submit feature requests and bug reports for Niagara Launcher, a modern + minimalist Android home screen optimized for one-✋ access and staying focused.
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Progressive Web Apps #785

Open twoneis opened 5 years ago

twoneis commented 5 years ago

I basically can't use PWAs, because I can't add them to my launcher. So I would always need to open my browser and navigate to the specific web site, which is really annoying, So please add the possibility to add Web Sites to the app drawer.

8bitPit commented 5 years ago

PWAs work for me, I could add "Android developers" with Chrome to Niagara: image Most other websites cannot be added to the homescreen, it will be possible though after shortcuts have been supported.

8bitPit commented 5 years ago

Duplicate of #62

ssssamstrup commented 1 month ago

I would like for this to be reopened. I have seen #62 and this is useful in certain use-cases, now that PWAs exists.

I use Firefox and if I want to add a link to a webpage that supports PWA, I can't. Fx: I would like to add shortcuts to a few facebook groups I admin and I don't want to use the Facebook app, I want to have url shortcuts that open the specific groups.

Since Fb supports PWA I can't add it as a url shortcut that opens in my browser.

Screenshot_20240524-105756_Mull »Installér means Install, which installs the site as a PWA when the site supports it.«

(In FF at least) when a site supports PWA it replaces the option of adding the current webpage as an URL shortcut with the option to install the site as a PWA. For Fb, this makes my usecase unavaiable, since the PWA just opens facebook.com - not the link to the group that I wanted to have a shortcut to. This is the nature of PWAs as I understand it.

Even if PWAs could be set to open a specific URL it doesn't help me, since FF or Niagara launcher seems to only support making 1 PWA per site. When I try to add another PWA from another Fb group nothing is added or changed in Niagara if a PWA for the site already exists.

For sites in FF that doesn't support PWA, this is not a problem. I can add the current website as a url shortcut and it opens in the browser.

So a way to add a URL as a shortcut in Niagara launcher would be great! ❤️ Even if this is an issue with Firefox, it would be great with a solution that doesn't depend on what browser people use or how browser developers decide to implement PWA and url shortcuts for each browser. (Having a certain browser installed just to be able to create url shortcuts is also quite excessive - especially since most modern browsers take up a lot of space. 😊)

This would also be a solution for future-proofing:

I hope you'll consider this.

Thank you an awesome launcher!