8devices / carambola2

Carambola 2 - an AR9331/SoC based PCB
GNU General Public License v2.0
56 stars 43 forks source link

Building - recipe for target 'world' failed #72

Closed jtelocken closed 3 years ago

jtelocken commented 7 years ago

Hello everyone, I have the same issue. Has anyone been able to solve this case? I'm using OpenSuse Leap 42.3. I've tried practically all the tips found in Web, about this problem and I can not solve it. I'll be grateful for any tips.

make[1] world make[2] tools/install make[2] package/cleanup make[3] -C tools/flock compile make[3] -C tools/flock install make[3] -C tools/tar compile make -r world: build failed. Please re-run make with -j1 V=s to see what's going on /home/jonas/buildroot_desenv/3buildroot_novo/carambola2/include/toplevel.mk:192: recipe for target 'world' failed make: *** [world] Error 1

Thanks for now.

mantas-p commented 7 years ago


OpenWRT build is best supported on Debian/Ubuntu distributions. I've just tested on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS and it builds just fine. I suggest to use virtual machine or docker image with Debian or Ubuntu for building. If you still want to build on OpenSUSE, try building with debug turned on, so you can find where it fails:

make -j1 V=s

valinskas commented 7 years ago

/home/jonas/buildroot_desenv/3buildroot_novo/carambola2/include/toplevel.mk:192: recipe for target 'world' failed

It seems like a hardcoded path somewhere ?

mantas-p commented 7 years ago

@valinskas no, it's based on build dir location.

valinskas commented 7 years ago

It works here:

$ git clone https://github.com/8devices/carambola2.git
$ cd carambola2
$ ./build.sh carambola2
 ... lots of output snipped
Installing package 'libssh' from management
Installing package 'libnetconf2' from management
Installing package 'libyang' from management
Installing package 'shtool' from management
Installing all packages from feed targets.
Collecting package info: done
# configuration written to .config
 make[1] world
 make[2] tools/install
 make[2] package/cleanup
 make[3] -C tools/flock compile
 make[3] -C tools/flock install
 make[3] -C tools/tar compile
 make[3] -C tools/tar install
 make[3] -C tools/patch compile
 make[3] -C tools/patch install
 make[3] -C tools/ccache compile
 make[3] -C tools/ccache install
 make[3] -C tools/sed compile
 make[3] -C tools/m4 compile
... continues without any apparent problem
jtelocken commented 7 years ago

Hi Folks,

Thank you very much for your quickly answer. Certainly its bound with Opensue. I will test on Ubuntu.

Thanks again.

nishaero commented 7 years ago

Hi jtelocken, I tried to build from the latest Ubuntu 17.10 but it fails to build as well, seems like a configuration issue of some sort it would be great if someone could fix it. Im trying to build for Centipede device.

Thank You Nishant

valinskas commented 3 years ago

Closing issue, ≈3y  since last activity.