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Inaccurate Civil axis results #141

Open DankAlzein opened 3 years ago

DankAlzein commented 3 years ago

so, these were my results, https://8values.github.io/results.html?e=72.4&d=76.7&g=54.7&s=53.7 i got 45% authority and 55% liberty, I honestly to be way more towards authority, i expected like 65% authority at least. Now yes of course that could just be a perception, maybe I do not actually believe in authority and I'm more of a libertarian, but what assures me that these results are inaccurate is that, My friend, who i often argue with, and we always end up with the conclusion that he's more of a libertarian than i am, and I'm more authoritarian, He would often even jokingly compare me to China, He got a WAY higher authority rate than me, which leads me to believe that, some thing about the questions is probably biased in some way, i looked through the question again multiple times trying to find anything that could be the reason as to why the results differ this much, but couldn't really find anything, so I'm not exactly sure what exactly is causing this. Here is my friends test results; https://8values.github.io/results.html?e=59.6&d=55.0&g=36.7&s=51.5 I think that the safest thing to assume here is that some of the diplomatic-related questions could've boosted his Authority --Since he was more balanced unlike me who's a 77% internationalist--, but I feel like that shouldn't really be the case,

UInt2048 commented 2 years ago

I think the diplomatic axis does influence the civil axis by its very nature: being more internationalist on topics such as war pushes your result on liberty-authority.

That being said, it could be miscalibrated for positions farther from the line of equal values.