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Issue with religious questions #95

Open JustAnotherGitHubUser468 opened 5 years ago

JustAnotherGitHubUser468 commented 5 years ago

How would an agnostic person, atheist or "nothing in particular" who hates all religion with a passion (basically an irreligious fundamentalist) answer these and get their true score when answering "agree/strongly agree" GIVES YOU SOME TRADITIONALISM?!

JoshuaKimsey commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure I understand? Too which question is this directed?

Athari commented 5 years ago

@SouthernWolf95 I guess it's about "spreading my religious views". If one's "religious view" is that all religion sucks then spreading that view is not traditionalistic.

brmbrmcar commented 5 years ago

Well an anti-religious view is hardly a religious view. So you'd strongly disagree.

zhkopec commented 4 years ago

You would solve that issue by taking off your fedora and growing up past 16 years old.

ten7ei commented 4 years ago

Well an anti-religious view is hardly a religious view. So you'd strongly disagree.

I don't see it that way. Being agnostic or atheist can be seen as a religious view or religious believe. To believe in no god could be considered a believe. And to believe that you cannot proof whether there is a god could be also considered a believe.

brmbrmcar commented 4 years ago

I would definitely disagree with that viewpoint, but as it exists I guess it is right to clarify the question perhaps.

ten7ei commented 4 years ago

Well, I have to say that in the introduction part of Wikipedia (religion) it states agnostics and atheists are religiously unaffiliated which would mean it's not a religious believe. At the same time is says there is no scholary consensus about what constitutes a religion.

Maybe an easy solution is to just add a not in the question (includes or excludes agnosticism and atheism). I think as it's meant now it should exclude them. So atheists and agnostics should vote to not spread the religious believe.

While writing this I think it might be easier to change the statement completely into:

"Every person should have a religion."

This means the same thing and cannot be misunderstood and is more straight forward.