90th / iniParser

lightweight C++ library for parsing and manipulating INI (Initialization) files. INI files are simple text files that store configuration data in a key-value pair format, organized into sections.
MIT License
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#include <algorithm> is necessary with `gcc-arm-none-eabi` (etc?) #2

Open micsthepick opened 4 weeks ago

micsthepick commented 4 weeks ago

I'm compiling with blocksDS/libnds, which uses the wonderful toolchain, and requires the use of . Perhaps this is an older spec? Not too sure why this compiler has that requirement.

90th commented 4 weeks ago

Hmmm, im not too sure. i mainly work with visual studio 2022 MSVC. I'll look into this issue

90th commented 4 weeks ago

You might need to explicitly #include if you are working with embedded devices.

micsthepick commented 4 weeks ago

yes, the device is an embedded target.