91097luke / phileo-bench

Repo for testing foundation models
10 stars 4 forks source link

correcting clause about non-commercial use #12

Open rbavery opened 4 months ago

rbavery commented 4 months ago

some of the model weights links listed in this table have licenses that allow for commercial use. Privthi, for example



can this statement be removed and corrected to specify which models trained by Phi-Lab are non-commercial use?

🔔 ALL models are available for non-commercial research purposes only.

rbavery commented 4 months ago

this one is also apache licensed: https://github.com/ServiceNow/seasonal-contrast?tab=readme-ov-file

rbavery commented 4 months ago

also the license is mit for the models on HF, does thi sconflict with the stated non-commercial license in the readme?


What's the rational behind making these models non-commercial? Wouldn't this inhibit companies from building on top of the PhilEO models and contributing models back to the benchmark suite?