91st-Aux-Team / MRC-issue-tracker

Issue Tracker for the 91st MRC Auxillary Mod
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Change Rocket Weight #32

Closed xxQal closed 5 months ago

xxQal commented 6 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. So, Our Old AT were allowed to carry 4 AT Rockets, Would be able to deal with 1-Heavy AAT, and 1-2 Light Vehicles. So in a Squad ~2-3 Heavy AATs OR ~8 Light Vehicles could be dealt with.

In the Current Build of the Mod. It takes 2-3 Tandem Rockets to Deal with Heavy AATs. 1-3 HEAT Rockets to Deal with AATs Other Light Vics. I Would Propose that AT Be Carrying x2 Tandem, x3 HEAT, & x2 of FRAG/HEP. Which would Equal ~1-2 Heavy Assets, and ~2-4 Light Vehicles a Squad could take care of.
In Our Current Mod, a Full Rifleman Kit Offers about 18lbs of Space for Rockets.

Describe the solution you'd like I'm Suggesting that The Frag & HEP: 1.5lbs. | HEAT: 2lbs | Tandem: 4lbs. Instead of the 4lbs, 7lbs, & 5lbs. They Currently are.

Describe alternatives you've considered Requesting a New Backpack to be even Heavier then we were beforehand. Only Carrying Tandem Rounds. (x2 could be Carried, and 1 extra that isn't tandem.)

Additional context Just Trying to utilise all of our new equipment, and be as effective as we were before this update.

liamcannon commented 5 months ago

Rocket changes were pushed to the testers mod last night that included significant buffs to all rockets. Tandem mag size was changed from 7 to 6 lbs, HEAT was changed to 4 lbs I think?