92lleo / WhatsappWebToGo

[android] WhatsApp Web client for your phone/tablet with media support
MIT License
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Multi Device beta not working with business account #61

Open kaitou1412 opened 2 years ago

kaitou1412 commented 2 years ago

Hi, thank you for wonderful app!

However, I tried it with whatsapp multi device, seems like it doesn't support it right now?

Have you tried it also? It stucks on login

Please share your opinion, thanks

92lleo commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for your feedback. In other issues people stated it's working with multi-device beta. I'd suggest to clean App Data and then reconnect with whatsapp on your phone. I'll try to reproduce it myself

kaitou1412 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

I tried it with freshly installed whatsapp web to go

so, is it working with yours?

i tried it with business whatsapp account, btw

92lleo commented 2 years ago

I tried to login with multi device beta enabled

So it works for me, but I don't have a business account to test.

kaitou1412 commented 2 years ago

i tried again scanning qr code - whatsapp says logging ini, and still on scan qr code page whatsapp to go after scanned, loading icon still circling but i think it's stuck there

retried again and still same result

kaitou1412 commented 2 years ago

cleaned WTG App Data and tried again. same result

92lleo commented 2 years ago

does it work for you if you try it in a browser or whatsapp desktop? Do you have the latest whatsapp version on your phone?

kaitou1412 commented 2 years ago

Yes. I use it in browser for daily use Yes. I tried keep it up to date

Is it possible to debug? I will try again later, insyaa Allaah (god willing)

kaitou1412 commented 2 years ago

I recorded scanning whatsapp to go


My WhatsApp Info image

92lleo commented 2 years ago

Do you also have a non-business account to test? I have no clue on how to investigate without those devices/accounts

jwalt commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem. I enabled the new Beta Multi-Device feature of WhatsApp, using a plain normal WhatsApp account. Two laptops connect fine (Firefox on both of them), but WhatsappWebToGo does not.

What I tried:

  1. Delete all data of WWTG in the settings, making it a brand new install
  2. Open WWTG, get the QR code, zoom a bit b/c its too small for the other device
  3. Go through the menus in WhatsApp to add a new account
  4. Scan the QR code
  5. WWTG begins to show the spinner
  6. WA pops up a message across the bottom of the camera screen: "Scan the QR code again"
  7. Nothing else happens. WA stays in the camera screen, the message goes away after a few seconds, WWTG keeps spinning

It doesn't matter if WWTG is using mobile data or is in the same LAN as WA. What else can I do to collect debug data?

92lleo commented 2 years ago

Hi @jwalt thanks for the details. Which version were you using? Have you tried 1.7.1? might be connected to #73 which is only seen on 1.7.2

jwalt commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, this didn't change anything. 1.7.1 and 1.7.0 behave the same. Using the old non-beta mode used to work fine.

Are there any connections supposed to show up except for web.whatsapp.com port 443? Using NetGuard to log connections, that is the only one registered. After the scanning attempt, a while later, a second connection goes to "crashlogs.whatsapp.com".

This is a LineageOS 18.1 system, by the way (Android 11), so I doubt it's an outdated web component or somesuch.

92lleo commented 2 years ago

I have to check the connections with my phone.

two other ideas:

other than that one last possibility would be to use a special version that logs all console messages. the connection to crashlogs.whatsapp.com sounds suspicious, maybe the issues are logged to console.

92lleo commented 2 years ago

Just tested with an android 11 virtual device and two whatsapp web beta phones (Android and iPhone) and app version 1.7.2. I could connect to wa web in all attempts, which makes it hard for me to investigate further.

jwalt commented 2 years ago

I updated the webview component (before: 88. after: 98. or somesuch), but that didn't change anything.

Is there a way to extract javascript warnings/messages/log?

92lleo commented 2 years ago

@jwalt thanks for the webview info. Can you and @kaitou1412 please check the apk attached? It's the same base as 1.7.2, it only gives you the ability to store urls the app tires to call and all console messages. You can get them by pressing the "about" button in the side menu. You can send the logs to android@kuenzler.io or just paste them here.

wawtg-github-issue-61.zip (can't attach apks here, sorry for the zip)

jwalt commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the long wait, I did have some problems. I could not get your build to install on my old phone at all. I only got an unspecified installation error.

Now I have a new phone, again running LineageOS 18.1, but this time it is up to date with the latest patch. On the new phone, WAW2G Multi-Device beta works without problems.

The main difference (besides completely different hardware) really is an up-to-date LOS, where the old phone used an old LOS build. The new phone has webview version 98. built-in, whereas the old one had version 88.. Maybe the webview update on the old phone didn't actually work despite the new packages being installed, I have no idea if LOS actually used those new packages.