935963004 / LaBraM

ICLR 2024 spotlight
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Creating embeddings #13

Open SamGijsen opened 3 months ago

SamGijsen commented 3 months ago

Hello, thanks so much for making your code available!

I'd like to embed EEG data using the model and wanted to check whether the following makes sense to you. Given a pretrained model, e.g. your provided base model, I'd avoid adding a classification head to NeuralTransformer and catch the output of self.forward_features(...). Given input signals of [batch_size, channels, samples] and default repo parameters, the model would then provide embeddings [batch_size, embed_dim].

Does that seem OK or would you recommend another approach?

Thanks for your help!

935963004 commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your interest. Given input data of [batch_size, channels, samples], e.g., [128, 64, 2000], they will be transformed into [batch_size, num_patches, patch_length] in the code, in this example, [128, 640, 200], where we define the patch length as 1 second with sampling rate 200 Hz. Finally, the shape of the output embeddings will be [batch_size, num_patches, embed_dim] as well. In the base model, embed_dim is 200. You can use these embeddings as you need.

SamGijsen commented 3 months ago

Right, but if one aims to obtain crop/epoch-level embeddings then one option would be to average across the patch-dimension (as implemented in self.fc_norm(t.mean(1) as far as I can see), correct? Are these averaged representations also what you used as input for your classification head during finetuning in your paper, which seemed to work well?

A bit of an unrelated question, but was a seed set for the train:validation split for TUAB? Or some other record of which subjects ultimately constituted your training set?

Appreciate your help!

935963004 commented 3 months ago

Correct, we use the average embeddings for classification.

For the second question, the train:val split set was randomly splitted and unfortunately we have no record of which subjects included in the training set. I think this is not very important because the test set is the same no matter what training set is.