93gaurav93 / v-owl-carousel

🦉 VueJS wrapper for Owl Carousel
MIT License
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Getting error: Failed to mount component #3

Closed eybarta closed 5 years ago

eybarta commented 6 years ago

Hi, thx for your work.. I'm trying to implement it now, and getting this error: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined. found in --->

Am I doing something wrong? should I be using the runtime version of vue for this to work?


93gaurav93 commented 6 years ago

Thanks @eybarta. We will get back you soon regarding this. @vrajroham Can you take a look at this?

vrajroham commented 6 years ago

@eybarta Could you post your code/snippet please, can't predict what would have gone wrong.

RibesAlexandre commented 6 years ago


Same error.

This is my code :

    <div v-if="allFormats">
        <div v-for="(entry, index) in entries" :key="index">
            <article-default :article="entry" v-if="entry.data_type === 'article' && entry.type === 'article'">

            <article-full :article="entry" v-if="entry.data_type === 'article' && entry.type === 'article_full'">

            <article-brief :article="entry" v-if="entry.data_type === 'article' && entry.type === 'brief'">


            <carousel v-if="index === 1">
                <div v-for="team in teams">
                    <img :src="team.logo">
    <div v-else>
        <div v-for="entry in entries">
            <article :article="entry" v-if="entry.data_type === 'article' && entry.type === 'article'"></article>

    //  Articles
    import ArticleFull from "../../editorial/articles/ArticleFull";
    import ArticleBrief from "../../editorial/articles/ArticleBrief";
    import ArticleDefault from "../../editorial/articles/ArticleDefault";

    //  Services
    import TeamsService from "./../../../services/rugby/teams";

    //  Carousel
    import carousel from "v-owl-carousel";

    export default {
        name: "articles",

        data() {
            return {
                allFormats: false,

                teams: [],
                teamsService: new TeamsService()

        props: ['formats', 'entries'],

        components: {ArticleDefault, ArticleFull, ArticleBrief, carousel},

        created() {
            this.allFormats = this.formats;

        mounted() {

        methods: {
            async getTeams() {
                try {
                    let response = await this.teamsService.getTeams();
                    let teams = response.data.teams;


                } catch(e) {

All worked perfectly before trying to use Carousel component.

Any help ?


alexursul commented 6 years ago

Hello! Having the same error, even in this variant:


import carousel from 'v-owl-carousel'
export default {
 components: {
dkrasov commented 6 years ago

Any updates here?

93gaurav93 commented 5 years ago

Resolved! :relieved:

93gaurav93 commented 5 years ago

@kristoff2016 This issue is closed now!