999LV / BatteryLevel

Domoticz python plugin to display/log battery level of zwave devices
MIT License
9 stars 5 forks source link

Floorplan icons not shown #1

Closed swevm closed 5 years ago

swevm commented 6 years ago

Just added the battery monitor for Z-Wave device. Great work but unfortunately icons are not shown properly in floorplan. Using Chrome inspect its clear that Domoticz UI expect the icons at the floorplan to be named batterylevelfull48.png (as an example) instead of without 48 in the end of its name. Icons look ok in all other places in UI though.

Workaround: Copy the four batterylevelXXX.png files so their filename end with 48.png and icons become visible on floorplans.

I see you refer to batterylevelXXX.png inside the plugin which seem correct to me but I´m not sure why floorplan expect a different naming scheme.