999LV / BatteryLevel

Domoticz python plugin to display/log battery level of zwave devices
MIT License
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Diffrent configuration #13

Closed fr3sh closed 4 years ago

fr3sh commented 4 years ago

I think there is a bug. You asume that tipical api uri is


in the code there is

url = "http://{}:{}/json.htm?{}".format(Parameters["Address"], Parameters["Port"], parse.quote(APICall, safe="&="))

and in my case i have:


I tried to add 8080/{CAtalog} - on the port configuration in domoticz but port is only holding for a number ;)

Please fix it ;)

999LV commented 4 years ago

I have no clue what you are talking about. And the tone is insulting on GitHub, a community of developers.. please suggest a fix rather than complain

fr3sh commented 4 years ago

Where there is a 'ton' for Insulting you? I described everything. What you do not understand? I have fixed for my instalation of domoticz and it's working now. You asume that every instalation of domoticz is on root directory. For example Im on docker and i have domoticz on that path So api call is also different like this url = "http://{}:{}/{domoticz)/json.htm?{}".

In your file plugin.py line 294 And Im not complaining only sugest you to fix.

999LV commented 4 years ago

I think you do not get what GitHub is... not a platform to make requests... please submit a pull request with the code you suggest and I’ll gladly merge it

fr3sh commented 4 years ago

Of course Im aware of that. Python is not my thing and the resolution to fix this is endles. I dont wont to force my way of fixing this. Im pointing that there is an issue and for someone it will not work. I feel that you are still angry at me. It was not my intention of doing that sorry.