999LV / SmartVirtualThermostat

Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz home automation system
MIT License
41 stars 31 forks source link

Cooling mode #15

Closed reydecopas closed 5 years ago

reydecopas commented 5 years ago

Hi, Using your plugin in my installation from early days...

Do you think it would be possible to add some kind of mode setting to allow adjust the plugin from heating mode to cooling mode for an aerotherm based heating/cooling floor?

thank you in advance!!

999LV commented 5 years ago

Hi, glad you find this plugin useful. You are indeed not the first one to suggest that it handles cooling as well as heating. For now, I chose not to investigate this further, primarily due to the fact that I do not own a connected cooling device, so cannot really test such a development...

That being said, it would also require significant additional code, since the cooler(s) are likely to have significantly different thermal characteristics than heater(s), hence a specific logic needs to be added... not impossible, but I need to find time to develop it and need testers...