999LV / SmartVirtualThermostat

Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz home automation system
MIT License
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Calculation period not correct when another heat source did the previous heating #24

Closed jakenl closed 4 years ago

jakenl commented 4 years ago

For my floor heating I have a calculation period of 120 minutes. This works fine when the floor heating did the previous heating. The total energy stored in the floor matches the calculation of time and constC/T values.

However, when I have heated the room with the wood stove, the temperature drops much faster than when the floor is cooling down. So, at the moment that a new calculation period starts, the heat calculation gives a negative number and the system waits for another 120 minutes. This is too long, resulting in 'under shoot' of the setpoint and 'overshoot' later on.

I would like to have another parameter: a time period for next heat calculation time, when previous calculation was < 0 %. In my case I would put it on 60 to have an intermediate checkpoint.

I realize that for systems with a short calculation interval, this is less relevant. Nevertheless I believe this will speed up response in all circumstance when, the sun, people, fire places etc heated the room instead of the normal heating source.

999LV commented 4 years ago

@jakenl , Thanks for the detailed explanation of your suggestion. Great idea. I’m on the road for now but will implement this when I return in a couple of weeks (unless you want to take a stab at the code and submit a pull request ?)

jakenl commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply! No hurry, I can wait. I'm able to more/less read the code, but hacking away at it, is a little outside my comfort zone.

999LV commented 4 years ago

Apologies for the delay. I gave further thoughts to this, but implementing would go against the logic of the plugin in my view, so I am not supportive

jakenl commented 4 years ago

you have a final say in this. I will see if I can use dzVents to trigger an event when the plugin doesn't heat as result of the calculation. If so, I can 'set again' the setpoint after an hour, hopefully trigger the plugin for a new calculation.