999LV / SmartVirtualThermostat

Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz home automation system
MIT License
41 stars 31 forks source link

Make a version of this plugin for the Mozilla WebThings Gateway #25

Closed flatsiedatsie closed 4 years ago

flatsiedatsie commented 4 years ago

Like many people, I have switched from Domoticz to the Mozilla WebThings Gateway. But I really miss this plugin.

I'm thinking: would it be possible to create a version for the WebThings Gateway?

flatsiedatsie commented 4 years ago

Phrased differently: how difficult do you think it will be for someone to take the core of your plugin and re-work it for another platform?

999LV commented 4 years ago

Interesting question... it took me a fair amount of work to port the original plugin written in Lua for Vera platform to Python for domoticz, but I am not a professional coder. You need to find a competent developper who also is motivated to maintain it.

flatsiedatsie commented 4 years ago

I had a closer look at the code to find the PID aspects, the "engine" as it were, but I'm not sure I found it?