999LV / SmartVirtualThermostat

Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz home automation system
MIT License
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SVT blocks Domoticz when using any Device Event python script #55

Closed krmichal closed 7 months ago

krmichal commented 2 years ago

When SVT starts heating then Domoticz "crashes" (with "thread seems to have ended unexpectedly" in the log file) when I'm using any Event python script (even simplest empty script) which is the "device triggered" type. It happens in both stable and latest beta Domoticz versions (I checked it on normal Debian installation on raspberry pi and Docker installations). I don't know what can cause that, as I check multiple Python versions and installation types. Of course, it may not be SVT-related at all, but it happens exactly when SVT starts heating. Nothing unusual in the log file, only: Termostat: (Termostat) Calculation: Power = 52.8 -> heat duration = 48 minutes and information about initiating switch command (heating starts properly before Domoticz locks). This happens even if I add empty Python event script (triggered by Device). Also when I use example Python script (which logs which device created event etc).