999LV / SmartVirtualThermostat

Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz home automation system
MIT License
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experimental secondary auxiliary heater when boost called #68

Open feelingwalnut opened 5 months ago

feelingwalnut commented 5 months ago

@999LV I;m not sure if this should be a pull or is even in line with the intent of your boost function. https://github.com/feelingwalnut/SmartVirtualThermostat/tree/secondary-boost(aux)-heater

it includes the temperature C-F identifying and conversion.

999LV commented 5 months ago

Hi, interesting but probably very userspecific indeed.

feelingwalnut commented 5 months ago

yes very specific use case. in this climate it is common for homes to have multiple sources of heat, often one far more expensive to use than the other. such as a mix of any two: gas, pellets, coal, wood(there are models that can automate) electric or oil. you typically would run the cheaper but frequently in winters it gets cold enough to overrun your main heat, causing the second to need used.

maybe your home would have an electric heat pump, but when it is cold enough that switches to an internal electric resistance heater. you'd then want your electric baseboards to turn on as well. maybe you use pellets but when cold enough you'd want your gas to turn on in addition.