999LV / SmartVirtualThermostat

Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz home automation system
MIT License
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WebServer:8080 thread seems to have ended unexpectedly #70

Open boggiz opened 1 month ago

boggiz commented 1 month ago

Hello, I currently upgraded from 2023.1 to 2024.4 because problems with Python & Paho MQTT. Some of them are resolved but not this one :

`import sys sys.path.append('/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/') import DomoticzEvents as DE # voir https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Python_Events import requests # https://fr.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/quickstart.html from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth from paho.mqtt import client as mqtt

Broker = "" PortaBroker = 11883 KeepAliveBroker = 60 clientID = "Boggiz"

CodePG = DE.user_variables["NewCodePG"]

if DE.changed_device_name == "Test Python" and DE.Devices["Test Python"].n_value_string == "On": client = mqtt.Client(clientID) #create new instance

rc= client.connect(Broker,PortaBroker,KeepAliveBroker) #connect to broker
if  rc != 0: print("[E-STATUS] Connection au Broker. Resultat de la Connection: " + str(rc))

if CodePG == '' : CodePG = 'Re-Init'  # si ESP recoit ce message il renverra un nouveau code sans ouvrir la porte!

client.publish("home/domoticz/PG/Dz2PG", CodePG, qos=0, retain=False)    #publish message

# initialisation de la User Variable avant reception du nouveau code
url= "" 
CLE64 = {"Authorization" : "Basic RG9tb0JvZ2dpejpEUyFhZnMhYWZ5MTk1MA=="}
rc = requests.get(url, headers= CLE64)
if rc != 0: print("[E-INIT User Variable] erreur: " + str(rc))`

This code works fine, the user variable is correctly initialized but a minute later, Domoticz froze with the error above (title). An idea ?