999LV / SmartVirtualThermostat

Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz home automation system
MIT License
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Accessing parameters #8

Closed cyrilpascal closed 6 years ago

cyrilpascal commented 6 years ago

Hello I currently use 6 Virtual thermostat and i would like to access parameters from each one via lua dzVent: list of devices per type. Have you any idea. May be it will be possible to store them in user variable. Thanks for your help

999LV commented 6 years ago

@cyrilpascal I am not familiar with dzVents and not sure which plugin parameters you want to access... The python plugins’ switches and setpoints should be accessible from the event system ? I never tried but these are domoticz devices like any others I assume (edit: I actually drive the pause switch using some blockly scripts in one on my systems... but not sure about lua scripts and more importantly dzVents. It could be a question to @dannybloe as he is the man behind dzVents I understand). But may be I simply do not understand what you are trying to achive...

cyrilpascal commented 6 years ago

@999LV Hello i just want to access the list of idx for the heating switch use per zone. To be able to calculate de power consumption per zone. I can manage a global set of tables per zone but i prefer to do things as simple as possible (no duplication of data). The other advantage is in case of failure in the chain (server, domoticz, mqtt, heating controller(tasmota)) I would be able to access directly to the list of heating controller per zone. Other idea for the future, actually each zone is independent. But when a door is open between two zone may be it will be possible to create a global zone with concatenation of all the parameters etc etc ... Thanks for your interest i will ask to @dannybloe for the technical detail.

cyrilpascal commented 6 years ago

@999LV I Just leave the request for information in the domoticz dzVent forum May be somebody will answer https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=59&t=23034#p177528

999LV commented 6 years ago

@cyrilpascal , so you in fact you want to read the hardware parameters for each plugin instance... isn’t this an overkill ? You do not change the list of heaters that often...