999LV / SmartVirtualThermostat

Smart Virtual Thermostat python plugin for Domoticz home automation system
MIT License
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Corrupted Switches in Domoticz V4.9700 #9

Closed AnroyVlug closed 6 years ago

AnroyVlug commented 6 years ago

After upgrading to Domoticz v4.9700 Switches are corrupted, reinstalling the plug-in has no effect!


Kind regards, Anroy

999LV commented 6 years ago

Please check about issues like this on the domoticz forum... this issue has nothing to do with the plugin: it is well known that when upgrading domoticz you need to clear the cache and app cache and sometimes even remove some compressed files in the www folder of domoticz

AnroyVlug commented 6 years ago

That was the problem, just new to Domoticz Thanks!