99chan-dev / morbid_obesity

A simple image board software based on kusaba.
1 stars 3 forks source link

Clean up all the unnecessary shit in / #1

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

There's a ton of useless shit in there, let's get that directory clean.

twobutts commented 10 years ago
[duchess@dedi:html] ls
34             docta            men                 scitech
404            dream            menu.php            sfcsp
99             dwoo             mind                site
a              elit             module_images       smark
animation.php  embedhelp.php    money               snow
art            eq               mu                  speak
ask            expand.php       nat                 stats
b              f                nerd                stencils
banned         fetish           news.newimages.php  storage
banned.php     fitfa            news.php            t
banners        foil             nwo                 threadwatch.php
blotter.php    fronk            paint.php           tinfoil
board.php      fubot            paint_save.php      token_edit.php
cake           fw               phi                 toon
calc           gent             phpdenora           torcheck.php
captcha.php    gif              pn                  tttm
cat            graybles         pol                 tvav
cawk           h                priv                update-mysql.php
cccp           hor              pure                usage
cd             inc              r                   vg
cf             index.html       RA                  w
co             index.php        radio               wat
config.php     india            raeg                wild
cp             irc              README.md           work
css            kusaba.php       read.php            world
cute           lego             recaptchalib.php    wp
d              lgbt             recentpost.php      wri
DEPLOY.md      lib              recentposts.php     x
di             lit              regs                y
dmca           manage_menu.php  reich               youarebanned.jpg
DMCA           manage_page.php  rs                  youarenotbanned.jpg
do             manage.php       s                   zom
[duchess@dedi:html] unf
ghost commented 10 years ago

git clean -df was used to accomplish the cleaning of this directory. Fuck yes.