99x / react-scaffolder

:zap: Scaffolding tool for React
MIT License
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Future of react-scaffolder #8

Open rajikaimal opened 7 years ago

rajikaimal commented 7 years ago

Areas to discuss

shapkarin commented 5 years ago

link with #65 #62 I really believe in #65. With that engine we can even allow users for example to use they own templates even from gists.

And also after #65 we can create separated project that can help create that kind of CLIs, scaffolder template engine or something. And use it with react-scaffolder and redux-scaffolder. it also about modularize #23

rajikaimal commented 5 years ago

Is this similar to what Yeoman has done?

shapkarin commented 5 years ago

DIdn't know that. Cool. Yeoman also uses ejs

rajikaimal commented 5 years ago

Does Yeoman match the requirements you had in your mind?

shapkarin commented 5 years ago

Not sure, need to research, if I can use only yeoman better is support yeoman community with new scaffolders :-) I’m just not sure if it can generate separated files, generate in the same solder that you run command or read files. Last feature I have in redux-scaffolder but not sure that it’s necessary. So if yeoman has first two features I’ll join yeoman