9E4ECDDE / MultiplayerDynamicBonesMod

GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 8 forks source link

Hello and I think your thing has a bit of a glitch when they hers when you use an Xbox controller on vrchat it doesn't happen often but it does happen enough to be annoying and Matt is it breaks the menu and quick menu make it so they're no longer stagnant #12

Open DracoRDragon opened 2 years ago

DracoRDragon commented 2 years ago

Basically sometimes when I go into vrchat with the mod on installed it causes the menu to move when you use an Xbox controller as well as the quick menu and the Avatar to rotate which can be mended by just uninstalling and reinstalling the mod I don't know what type of combination of mods that would cause this problem to happen but I tested every single mod individually by uninstalling and reinstalling all the mods I have until I found the one that caused the menu to break and yours was the only one that kept breaking them in you anytime I installed it