9xN / node-ig-framework

Framework for interacting with instagrams private api in a usable manner in a structure and format similar to discord's old bot development framework.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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update instagram-private-api to most updated fork #18

Open sglkc opened 10 months ago

sglkc commented 10 months ago

https://github.com/Yontih/instagram-private-api/pull/1 This fork has more updates and it'd be cool if we could use this one instead. But problem is the owner doesn't seem to be active and didn't publish to npmjs :/

Well, I tried just changing the npm package to the git repository, but clips functions from the fork doesn't work? I have also tried using another fork but any new feed functions just won't work. Does it have something to do with withRealtime and withFbns from instagram_mqtt?


My current solution is logging in both instagram-private-api for sending reels and node-ig-framework anything else, I'll try to explore deeper

9xN commented 10 months ago

yea instagram mq_tt is awful to work with but this is an interesting find for sure i will look into fully implementing this and add a functioning version of that fork to npm if i have to

9xN commented 10 months ago

also if instagram private api can send reels we can definetly add that to node ig framework

sglkc commented 10 months ago

it was actually easy, instagram_mqtt uses instagram-private-api too, which means if we want to add new features, we have to maintain 2 more packages :/

9xN commented 10 months ago

it was actually easy, instagram_mqtt uses instagram-private-api too, which means if we want to add new features, we have to maintain 2 more packages :/

that would be a nuisance its almost worth just porting all three packages into this one

44xo commented 3 months ago

@sglkc this is my alt but I am trying to get in contact with all of the other package managers and repo owners to push some much needed updates, this project should be improved and fully operational soon.

sglkc commented 3 months ago

thank you for the follow up! hoping for the major update soon