[Adversarial label-flipping attack and defense for graph neural networks](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9338299/)
Hello there,
Total dilettante here - I was wondering if its possible to create GANs with either the current version or V2 of Synaptic. If not then I'd be interested in any generative models (seems Sy…
In case you guys haven't seen it, this paper came out recently and looks kind of interesting: https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.01329
My first couple read throughs leave me with some questions. The paper …
### 論文へのリンク
[[arXiv:2006.12681] Contrastive Generative Adversarial Networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.12681)
### 著者・所属機関
Minguk Kang, Jaesik Park
- Graduate School of Artificial Intellig…
### 論文へのリンク
[[arXiv:2004.05472] Autoencoding Generative Adversarial Networks](https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.05472)
### 著者・所属機関
Conor Lazarou
- Flatland Data Solutions, Saskatoon, Canada
## 一言でいうと
GANのmode collapse(似たような画像しか生成されなくなる問題)を防ぐため、lossにエントロピーの項を追加した研究。エントロピーが大きいほど分散が大きい=似た画像のみ乗せ生成を抑止できる。(周辺)エントロピーの計算は困難だが、直接不偏モンテカルロ推定で近似を行っている。
### 論文リンク
Second paragraph ~
>But there is more to machine learning than just solving discriminative tasks. For example, given a large dataset, without any labels, we might want to **learn a model** that co…
# Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) | Analixa
Generative Adversarial Networks are used to generate images that never existed before. They learn about the world (objects, animals and so forth) an…