12:45:20.705] ERROR: NS train schedule[Script Filter] Code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/urllib/request.py", line 1350,…
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А нет ли возможности сделать вариант для Alfred 3.x?
Эта версия я так понимаю для Alfred 4
There's a hard-coded path inside this plugin that results in a fresh install for a new user running Alfred 3 not working. The symptom is a PHP error message when trying to run the `akey` command.
## Bug Report
### Before reporting the issue, did you:
- [x] Update your `notionSpaceId` and `cookie` value in Alfred Settings. If you don't know how to do this, [check this guide](https://github.…
Is it possible for this workflow to support Alfred 3?
I created a copy of the `server.sh` file that runs the executable directly.
# This script is a wrapper for the Firefox extension client/RPC server
# to set an Alfred-like en…
Workflow updater doesn't show any notification - fear that it might not work anymore.
Is Alfred V.3 supported?
I trew together a quick theme for Alfred 3, if you're interested
does this workflow work on Alfred 3? As is, it does not seem to work (on my machine), but I have not yet ruled out other options. Because the Packal workflow explicitly states 'Alfred 2' workflow, thi…