I have no idea if you @xelprep are the same person as in this post https://forum.arduino.cc/t/esp32-as-bluetooth-keyboard-question/1250346
So I'm taking a huge chance and asking if you by any chanc…
Hello - I'm trying to write a program to broadcast data from my Arduino Nano 33 IoT, using the [BTHome](https://bthome.io/format/) standard. I'm trying to use `AdvertisementOptions.ServiceData` as men…
Android ve ios cihazlarda test ettim. Elimdeki arduino nano ble cihazları uygulama üzerinde görünmüyor. Farklı kaynaklardan kontrol ettiğim bluetooth yetkileri vb şeyleri de projeye dahil ettim. Yine …
### Related area
### Hardware specification
### Is your feature request related to a problem?
No related issues
### Describe the solution you'd like
Our project uses the classic Blueto…
Ok, maybe this is an hard request and an already "covered" request, but yes I ask for Bluetooth support for ESPEasy.
Personally I'm interested into a Bluetooth gateway/proxy for Bluetooth Low En…
Enciende led con 49, lo apaga con 48, y manda datos de vuelta sobre cuánto tiempo ha estado en el estado anterior.
- [x] Aplicación básica "hello world".
- [x] Aplicación "hello world" vía bluetooth…
SoftwareSerial BTserial(10, 11); // RX | TX
int sensorPin = A0;
int sensorValue = 0;
void setup() {
BTserial.begin(9600); }
void loop() {
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
### What happened?
I setup clean installation of the https://github.com/ricardoquesada/esp-idf-arduino-bluepad32-template using VSCode and PlatformIO on a system running Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon.
Hi! I'm using ESP32-C3 super mini with the following config:
board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
variant: ESP32C3
type: esp-idf
This leads to compilation error:…
Before submitting a bunch of PRs under "librarry, it's probably worth considering adding for hardware. Or should these go under Framework? Here's the relevant ones of the top of my head:
* https://gi…