# User story
As a website visitor,
I want my browser to cache static assets,
so on a repeat visit the site loads faster and I get a better experience.
# Issue
Astro generates static assets …
### Describe the problem/motivation
Excuse me, in the event of a network outage, will nothing be displayed? How can it be displayed even offline?
When there is an internet:
**Describe the bug**
When enabling "server" mode for the Asset Cache Server, the Asset Processor will eventually crash due to a memory corruption error. The callstacks are not consistent, and will t…
### Astro Info
Astro v4.15.11
Node v22.8.0
System macOS (arm64)
Package Manager npm
Output server
Deberíamos tener la configuración para borrar el cache inmediatamente cuando se haga un nuevo deployment con cambios en los archivos de CSS/JS.
Si no, estaremos sirviendo nuevo HTML y viejo CSS/JS …
Plan for some strategy to purge asset cache in both admin and shop side as wanted.
Currently there is some support for rebuilding assets only if they've changed, but it seems to rely on document structure. Since assets are extracted and them compiled in isolation, I imagine if you s…